Chapter 13 - Helpless Days

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 Ohmygod guys it's only been like 5 days aren't you proud i updated so quickly xD


Helpless Days

Lucy's eyes started to focus, adjusting to the darkness of her apartment. All the curtains had been drawn closed, but there was no light at all, leading her to believe it was nighttime. She was standing in her kitchen, her utensils drawer open, and a knife in her hand. The blade dug into her skin, creating slits in her palm, out of which blood dripped, falling onto the floor. 

She was holding the knife by the blade, her left hand almost covered in her own blood. She dropped the knife into the sink, careful to avoid the blood on the floor, and headed to her living room, which was a complete mess, almost like Natsu and Gray had stirred up another storm in her apartment.

She ignored it, taking a deep breath, and walking to her bathroom to wash off. She left a trail of blood behind her, splattering on the ground.

That was the first thing she had done unconciously ever since the "episode" at the guild, which had only been a day before. Lucy was starting to get really scared - her intentions from the beginning were never to hurt anyone.

As Lucy held her hand underneath the cold water, washing off all the blood, the mark of the eye became clearer, and the markings in blue started to form together more like words. Lucy bit her tounge to keep from screaming out in pain, the water burned as it ran down the cuts, and tried to focus on reading what was on her hand. But her vision started blurring, and as the blood mixed with the water, she could barely force herself to keep her hand under the tap.

She gritted her teeth, ignoring the tears forming by the corner of her eyes, and examined her hand. The blue marks were coming into focus, but, they were still blurry and hazy, as if she was looking through the wrong pair of glasses. However, there was something different about the eye. The scales were lifted up slightly, as if the eye was opening. There was a small space, where she saw a faint glow, like it was coming from underneath the eyelid.

Lucy finally withdrew her hand from the water, letting out a small gasp of pain as the stinging feeling resonated through her hand.

She grabbed the towel from the shelf, which lucky for her, wasn't white. She dried her hand, before grabbing her first aid kit, and quickly wrapping bandages around her hand. The cuts were pretty deep; she had no idea how long she had been holding that knife, without her even flinching once or registering any physical pain. Of course, another tortourous nightmare came while in her "state", some of the images still lingering in the back of her head, sending a haunting chill down her back.

Whenever she went into her trance, it was almost like she was sleeping, and her whole body was numb. She didn't feel anything until after she awoke, but all of her "episodes" resulted in hurting someone, taking someone's blood. 

First, it was Natsu's. Her hand's had been stained with Natsu's blood yesterday, and today they were covered with her own. She had to do something about this, she couldn't keep taking someone's blood.

But what could she do?



"Happy, leave him alone." Gray said solemnly, "He hasn't talked since then, and if he doesn't want to, you should just leave him be."

"But Gray!" Happy whined, tears already starting to form for the millionth time that day, "He's not supposed to be like this! Natsu's supposed to be happy and smile and get me fish!"

Natsu abruptly got up, interrupting Gray before he could say anything, and walked out of the guild, ignoring the confused calls of his guildmates.

As soon as he got outside, Natsu clenched his fist, and punched the first thing he saw, which happened to be a tree. He put so much force into that one simple punch that he almost knocked it over; some of the roots had come loose from the ground, and there was a large dent where Natsu had punched it, followed by burn marks.

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