1: i can take you to topanga

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"mama, what you mean i gotta go to summer camp?"

i was just sitting on my couch, on my phone watching tiktok cringe compilations inbetween watching documentaries about famous serial killers and cult leaders, when i felt my phone being swiped out of my hand, and the background noise of the tv in the background going silent.

as my phone was snatched from my hands abruptly, i looked back behind me in shock, only to see my mother, who looked pretty upset with me, folding her arms with a stank face and tucking my phone into her pocket.

"ma? what did i do?" i questioned, furrowing my brows in confusion. i know my mama likes to take my phone over the smallest things, because she blames everything i do on my phone, but i was legit confused on what i did this time to get it taken.

"we need to talk," she responded sternly, folding her arms and frowning deeply, which only made me even more confused on what i did to get in trouble. everytime my mama says we need to talk, i already know that ain't no talking finna take place, and all she's going to do is go upside my head, so i already braced myself for the ass beating i was about to receive.

although i wasn't aware of what i did to receive it, but okay.

"what did i do? is this because i found your vibrator in your nightstand? i put it back where i found it, i didn't think you would notice. i thought it was a charger at first that's the only reason i touched it-"

"jahseh, hush your ass up," she cut me off, "that's not a vibrator first of all, it's a step counter. second of all, i came in here to talk to you because i'm tired of you just sitting on your ass all day doing nothing. all you know how to do is be on that damn phone."

i held back an eye roll. "ma, it's summer break, what do you expect?"

i felt a loud popping sensation on my cheek as she slapped my face. "first of all, don't talk to me like i'm one of your lil friends. second of all, it don't matter. just because it's summer don't mean nothing. all you do is sit up on your phone, or you playing fortnite, or you watching old episodes of bad girls club and i'm tired of seeing your lazy ass just laying around all day. you need to find something to do."

i zoned out as she continued to rant about how i was lazy and i never did anything, and i felt compelled to call out her hypocrisy. usually, my mama doesn't care what i do.

she was borderline neglectful, always leaving to spend the night with various men and leaving me at home by myself for sometimes days at a time - usually with barely anything in the house to eat. i would have to live off of the same 3 slices of pizza like a bum until she got back and decided to be a parent. it was like as soon as i turned 8, she decided that her job was done and she was free to roam the streets with random men while i was still at home, dirty and starving

she's gotten better lately - mainly because the neighbors threatened to call cps on her if they saw me home alone by myself again, but she still ain't really care what i did. i could be creating a meth lab in my bedroom and she wouldn't even care, she'd be too busy with her nigga of the month to suspect anything.

so why all of a sudden does she care about me being lazy and "not doing anything", especially during summer break? it's not like i can join an after school activity or something because school ain't even in, and as for other activities, there's really nothing to do in broward besides becoming a soundcloud rapper or becoming a crackhead.

or both.

"well what am i supposed to do ma?" i questioned, genuinely confused on what her point is, "you told me to stay in the house because you don't want me getting into stuff, but now i'm lazy?"

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