chapter four

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i woke up to the sun shining in my face. it's saturday so i'm not worried about the time. i got up, brushed my teeth, washed my face, changed my clothes. i changed into a giant olive green sweater with the leaves rolled up, and black leggings. i put on my white fuzzy socks along with my glasses and put my hair into a loosed messy bun.

i went to the kitchen and grabbed the toaster and threw in two slices of bread. i set the timer on for 4 minutes, just to get then toasty. after that i grabbed bananas and smashed them and mixed in some cinnamon. when the bread was done i pot the slices on a plate and then spread my banana mix on the bread.

while that was sitting i made a coconut milk macchiato with three espresso shots. when i finished i took everything in the living room, sat in the floor in front of the couch and watched greys anatomy while eating.

two knocks were in the door in the middle of the episode where mer has to choose between derek and the vet. yes i'm rewatching them... again. i passed the episode to see if they'll think no ones home. maybe they didn't hear the tv.

5 minutes passed and they knocked again. geez people. leave. take a hint. i walked to the door and peeled through the peep hole. ethan and grayson. i opened the door and they just walked right in. okay...?

"no hi? no how are ya? just walk right in. okay." i said with a little too much attitude.

"hi how are ya?" e said with a smirk on him face.

"hi." was all that grayson said. still not gonna have conversation? okay.

"so make yourselves at home. kitchen had food and drinks, greys anatomy is on, the bathroom is down the hall to the left second door." i explained. i sat down and finished my episode before letting them choose.

"alright here's the remote. choose a movie or show boys." grayson grabbed the remote and turned it to dead pool 1.

"i love this movie. the second one is good too!" i stated.

"same. the humor and story." gray said.

e had gotten up to get a drink. "where's the coke?" e asked, sorry, yelled from the kitchen.

i got up and went to go show him. "behind all the water. it's poking you in the eye." i laughed as he glared at me.

"okay i need to talk to you about something." he whispered.


"we need to meet up sometime. not with gray because he'll want to eavesdrop."

"okie dokie." i said.

i didn't think much about it. it's them. we aren't close anymore. but we used to be so i'm going to allow us to be close. he grabbed the coke and handed it two me then grabbing two more, one for him and another for gray. we walked back in and gray was gone. we looked outside and the car was still there. we went to the back and he wasn't there. when we turned around gray was walking out of the hall.

"you guys okay?" he asked

" we couldn't find you. we started freaking out!" i said as i lightly hit his chest.

"awh you were worried about me?" he asked teasingly.

"shut up" i turned and walked back to the couch to watch the movie.

i heard a knock and a random guy was at the door. "hello. my names james and i just moved in next door. just wanted to say hi to the neighbors."

"oh hi. i'm anja and there's really not much. but i have compan-" and i was cut off.

"hi i'm ethan and grayson is in the living room. who are you?"

"i'm james!"

"it was nice meeting you. i'll see ya around? maybe coffee?" i asked

"definitely!" james said. "bye!"

"bye!" i said. "what was that?" i asked e.

"nothing. just wanted to see who it was." he said dragging out the s.

"mmmm okay bud." we walked back into the living room again.

——— 4 hours passed ———
i looked up at the clock. "oh my gosh. it's only 6:40. what am i gonna do?" i thought out loud.

"haaaaaang out with us." gray said.

"so you do speak." i turned to look at him.

"yeah." he chuckled. he turned away and waved us to follow him.

e and i got up and followed him to the front door. we put our shoes on and went out front. for some reason i followed them to the car and got in the back seat. grayson sat in the drivers seat and e in the passengers.

" where would you like to go?" g asked.

"hm. how about ice cream. oh i need to get my wallet!" i said unbuckling.

"nope." gray said as he pulled out and and drove off.

we got to the ice cream shop and went in. i got the cookie dough in a cone and the boys got what they wanted and gray paid. we sat at a booth and just ate.

"so what have you been up to?" i asked.

"just filming, traveling. we toured and.." grayson trailed off. looking down at the ground, a tear rolled down his face. ethan looked away and finished the sentence.

"our dad.. he passed away." he finally said.

i was speechless. how did i not know. why am i just now finding out. why wasn't i told to go to the funeral. "take me home. now please." they looked at me. i had tears running down my face. i was sad, mad, no furious that nobody told me. sean was like a dad to me when we were close. i stayed with them when my parents fought, when dad would get drunk, or just to stay the night. dean was like a dad to me...

"anja please don't be mad.." grayson tried to finish but i stood up and walked to the car. we all got in and we went to my house. i got out and slammed the door, went in and locked the door. they started knocking on the door. they wouldn't leave. i kept getting calls and texts.

then they left.

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