chapter ten

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the car ride there was awkward. but we made it. walking in, i heard the tv but no one was in the living room. i looked in the kitchen and saw a note.

"don't wait up. i went out with ethan because we were both bored. have fun doing whatever." i read out loud.

"what fun could she be talking about?" gray asked. i looked at him and he winked at me, making me blush.

"oh shush. it's not like that would happen anyways."

he looked a little disappointed that i didn't even try to joke about it at the least but he quickly covered it up with a small smile and a nod, shrugging his shoulders. he walked to the fridge and grabbed a coke and went to the living room while i ordered chinese because i was hungry.

"do you want any chinese?" i called.

"duh! you know what i like."


surprise i remembered his favorite i ordered for him. i walked into the living room and he was picking a movie. that's how we always did it. i ordered the food and he picked the movie. it was out of habit. i sat on the opposite side of the couch and waited for the bell to ring.

"what are you doing?" i asked watching him reach for his wallet and get cash out

"i'm paying?" he asked as if it was obvious.

"um no. you're the guest and i asked you so i'm paying." i said taking his wallet away and putting it in my back pocket. i turn around to walk away but i feel him pull his wallet back. "excuse you?"

"you can't expect me to just let you walk away with my wallet?"


"no buts. plus i'm-"


i raced to the door and gave the guy the money and shut the door. i turned around to a very amused grayson.

"what?" i asked walking passed him.

"nothing." he said shaking his head smiling, following behind. "you're still just as stubborn as before." he said running his hand through his hair. he does that when he's nervous.

"well duh. i don't change so easily gray. you know this." i said.

"yeah." he said laughing a little.

we started the movie, finding nemo, and ate. throughout the movie he would get up and come back sitting closer and closer to me. i didn't know that someone could go to the restroom so much. note my sarcasm please.

"you good, bro?" i asked.

he turned and looked at me, now our thighs laying two inches from each other. "yeah. i'm bro zoned now?" he asked cocking his left eyebrow up a little.

"yeah. matter of fact you always be." i said giving a cheeky smile with my eyes closed. when i opened my eyes his face was close enough to mine that i could feel his breath on mine. i jumped back because it was unexpected.

"are you okay anja?" he asked in a teasing tone. oh this boy.

"y-yeah. mmm yeah." i said turning back to the tv to watch the movie. holy shit.

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