Safety (reviewed)

332 14 2

Yn pov

We got to Reggie's house and moved all our stuff in I soon fell asleep on the couch holding my little brother.

Reggie's pov

Man Yn is so cute when she sleeps an those eyes.

I'm gonna invite the guys over tonight.

(4 way call)

Reggie:y'all tryin to come over tonight

All: sure why tho

Reggie: yn gonna be here

All: ight

Rocs pov

Man the only reason I am coming over is because yn is there.
We pull up to the house and I see Reggie's car and her car so I guess we are on time.

Me, Prince, Ray and Prod all knock on the door. When  we opened it we saw a little boy who looked 2 or 3 laying on yn. She starts waking up and I go up to Reggie while all the other guys go greet yn.

*there convo*
Roc: who is that kid and why is he here
Reggie: that's Yn little brother she had to save him. They are staying with me until they can get back on their feet they're running.
Roc: oh damn ok well if any of us can take her to our house if you want...
Reggie: maybe
Roc: ok

Sorry this chapter is so boring I have writers block I'll keep trying to update and I can't believe there are over 200 views thank please vote and or comment I need some girlfriend names for the guys so please put your name personality and the guy you'd want the guys that need girlfriends are Reggie Prod  and Roc

When love finds a way (roc royal and yn)Where stories live. Discover now