Natalie Paquette

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The air was cool and crisp. Walls of blue and white color run down the building as far as she can see. Her two pieces of luggage standing beside her. She hears the clicking of a keyboard in front of her; a blue holographic print displayed various text and numbers she cannot comprehend. A woman in front of her spoke "Please state your subject code and full name please." She looked up. It was the accountant checking her into her Apex dorm. She inhaled, "Natalie Paquette 2312020191514". 

She always thought her subject code seemed a bit long. A few seconds of keyboard clicking later, "You're all set Ms. Paquette, here's your dorm key. Your dorm is on the 4th floor." the accountant said. She held out her hand revealing a shiny blue key that had her subject code imprinted on it. Natalie admired the key and how special it was for her. She likes the color blue, it matches her clothing. Natalie grabbed the key and thanked the accountant, then off she goes to her dorm.

Natalie was astonished about how nice the Apex Command Post was organized. The color scheme seemed to fascinate her even more. There was a cafeteria with MRVNs serving not-so-delicious looking food, there was a bar for drinking, but Wattson was no alcoholic. She took the elevator to the 4th floor. Once she was there, the elevator doors revealed a narrow hall and one door to its side. Natalie assumed it was her dorm of course. She didn't want to be rude and unlock the door right away, so she knocked. She gazed upon the peephole on the door. Then, the door was opened by a seemingly mid-20s man. Green goggles, an intricate headdress, and a mask with green teeth. 

The man stood there staring at her momentarily, Natalie looked around awkwardly. "Uh, hola amiga! Welcome to La Casa de Octa-" "Octane!" A voice blurted out. He got interrupted by a woman behind him; a late 30s woman with dark skin and a mini afro. The man protested, but the woman refused.

"Ugh, I never get to have any fun around here!" 

"You stay up every weekend to play videogames on the TV very loudly while the people in the entire complex are sleeping."

"Tsk Tsk Tsk No no..." The man corrected "That is every other  weekend, I usually play it when people aren't sleeping!"

The woman pushed him aside and greeted Natalie. "Name's Anita Williams AKA Bangalore." She pulled the man's arm to the doorway. "This man right here is a highspeed daredevil named Octane, or if you'd prefer, Octavio." "I prefer Octane if you are one of my fans haha! But, you can call me whatever." Octane remarked. His cockiness made Natalie concerned. "Actually just call me Octane."

"Nice to meet you both. My name is Natalie Paquette or Wattson. I have my luggage..." She stood aside to reveal her two pieces of luggage. "...and I'm ready to move in." Octane moved ahead and stated, "Let me grab those for you, I will put them in your room." He slid past Wattson to grab her luggage and headed off into a dorm room. "Make yourself at home." Bangalore gestured her hand like a welcoming party. 

Suave Optimiste ( Octane x Wattson Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now