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Jungkook couldn't go into that coffee shop again. Not after he spilt that on the man he has been crushing on like a child in high school. Walking in just to make eye contact with the man again, he feared he would probably start apologizing all over again. Buy him another sweater. Buy him another tea thing, or whatever he drinks. It just would not be good. The only thing is, that he loved that coffee shop, they made a really good cup of coffee. Jungkook just didn't t think he could stand another embarrassing moment with the peached haired man. He just hoped to never see him again.

In long strides he made his way down the sidewalk, situating his backpack straps on his shoulders. He didn't pause for anything, walking with purpose. Jungkook smiled as he entered a familiar door, taking in the smell of books.

He looked over the posters and checked the time on his phone. There was a book signing, for a very popular poetry book. One of Jungkooks favorite books. He pulled his copy out of his small backpack, it was worn with his messy writing scribbled in purple pen. Pages were folded, and the binding was worn.

The author must have been very popular. The line was very long and Jungkook tried to come early. Looking in the line in front of him, he noticed that there was an even mix of males and females.  But their books looked brand-new, very different from what he held in his hands. He wondered if he should purchase a new book, to save himself from embarrassment.

The line moved slowly, and some people came in and continued the line behind Jungkook. He decided not to buy another copy, so he could keep his place in line. He played games on his phone, looked through other social media forms, and replied to some text messages. Never paying attention to what was in front of him, only moving forward when he could no longer see the womans heels in his line of vision. Shifting his timberlands, he moved forward another step. He could tell he was coming closer to the front of the line, hearing chattering voices and the flipping of pages followed by a scribbling of a pen.

Fixing his red beanie, he looked up. Raising his eyebrows in shock, he looked at the smiling man signing a book. Jungkooks mind was fluttering with anxiety. It was the man from the coffee shop. The man he has been creepily watching for months. The man he has been fawning over for months. The man he spilt coffee on and ran away from. How could he be the author? Looking at the book over again, Jungkook looked for a photo, anything to indicate that the man from the coffee shop was a famous poet. No, there was nothing only RM in the space for information about the author. When the author looked up to hand the lady her book, Jungkook quickly looked down covering his face with his phone. Jungkook could only hope that this RM would not notice him.

Jungkook's plan was stupid, as more people got their books signed, the closer he was. At this point Jungkook couldn't just leave. He has spent over two hours in this line, and he clinged to the hope that RM didn't remember him.

When it was his turn, Jungkook wouldn't look up. Placing the book on the table with shaky hands.

"Ummm, who would you like for me to make this out to?" Jungkook stiffened quickly looking up, he could tell that his face was completely red.

"Jungkook!" He almost shouted, RM chuckled causing Jungkooks face to get redder.

"Well Jungkook, I am Namjoon. It is nice to finally meet you." Jungkook could feel himself melting as Namjoon smiled. "Here you go, you are all set."

Namjoon passed Jungkook the book that Jungkook accepted with two hands. He heard the other let out a deep chuckle as Jungkook let out a shy smile.

"Thank you." He said in a small whisper. Quickly leaving the store. Once he exited the store, he flipped to the over page to find in neat back ink

Thank you so much for your support Jungkook. I hope you enjoy my work, and I hope I can receive your feedback face to face. Lets meet up for coffee.

Sincerely yours

Kim Namjoon

Jungkook almost swooned. Re-reading, and re-reading it again to make sure he got it right. He couldn't stop the smile on his face that hurt his cheeks. Sincerely Mine? He thought, how could that be? Maybe he wrote that for everyone? But sincerely his. That was a wonderful idea. Jungkook could feel his cheeks burning as he held the book closely to his chest. Checking the time, he noticed that he had time to just make it to work, so he began to sprint. With a smile lighting up his face, because Namjoon was worth it.

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