Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

<Harry's POV>

The typical blurry vision that comes when you wake up from being knocked out. I've experienced this one too many times therefor I am used to it.

When I dully open my eyes, Louis is sitting next to me, towering over my face expectantly.

I smile warmly at him but when Mr. Malik's words set back in, I jump and pull my hand from his grasp at which hurt becomes etched upon his face.

"You're not real, You're not real, You're not real." I repeat many times with my knees to my chest and hands pressed to my ears with my eyes shut tight while rocking back and fourth. I've finally and completely lost my mind.

I feel a small warm hand on my back and leg. "No love, I'm here I'm real baby. I love you don't worry we'll get through this." He whispers into my ear.

"Nothing will be fine. You're just a tumor. You aren't real. Why is this happening to me?"

"Harry, Harry. I am real. I'm real when I'm with you. People just can't see me or hear me most of the time. You can't say that your brain just made up me. Your boyfriend. The one who loves you the most. It hurts me to see you this sad. This distant. I'm real baby. I am."

"Prove it." I squeak.

He raises from his seat and crawls onto my bed. Both of his hands wrap around my face and he kisses my tears away that's when I feel his tears poor as well and I just want to cry more.

"Baby don't cry. Haz, I love you please just"

I lean up and kiss him lovingly. There is no way to describe the kiss. It was one of those magical ones. We delicately force all of our love and passion for one another into the kiss as his tounge dances with mine. I can still feel a few of his tears as they fall down his cheek. When we pull away our forheads are rested against eachothers. 

"Don't you dare ever cry Louis Tomlinson. You are too beautiful to have tears streaked eyes."

"And same for you Harry. Listen to yourself. You are the most beautiful man I know and I love you with all my heart. It hurts me to know you think so poorly of yourself. I never want a tear to cross your face ever again. Especially not for me. Don't have fear for me because you can trust that I will always be here for you. I'm never letting you go."

"We're both going to have to let go. You are my tumor. You're in my head. Once I have my surgery. You're..................You're gone. I don't want you to be gone Louis, Don't leave me!" I yell frantically grabbing at his shirt to pull him closer as I tucked my leg over his and brought him under me.

"I'm not going anywhere baby. Trust me okay? I am not your tumor. Alright?"

"B-But Mr. Malik said-"

"Forget what that dumb therapist told you. I am me, your boyfriend. Man that never gets old. Anyway, I'm me. He's not me. He can't say I'm real to you or not. He can't say I'm your tumor or not. I know what I am and I'm not your tumor I'm-"

"Louis. You're rambling." I chuckle and smile.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I love your voice Louis. I also love your d!ck." I smiled and winked.

"I'm glad to know our relationship means more to you than just sex babe." 

I frown. "I didn't mean it. I just mean. We've only had sex once, but it was still the best thing that has ever happened to me. Well. Other than when you asked me to be your boyfriend. I just wish we could do it again."

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