Author's Note.

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Hey guys!

wow, can't believe i wrote this so quickly - in the space of 3 days!!!

even though the journey i've had with this story has been short, it has been awesome! i loved writing every word of it.

at first i was just going to write five one shots for the different girls that are in this novel, but then they announced the name of the sophmore One Direction album, and a lightblulb went off in my head.

i just ran to my family and was like 'OMG the album is called take me home! i've got to write a fanfic about this fast!!!'

and then they just stared at me, and like, didn't know what to say,

oh well.

but then i dashed into my room and sat down on my comfy bed with my laptop and a cup of hot chocolate and began to write. i even put off training for badminton for this! :D xxx

i hope you all liked it as much as i enjoyed writing it!!!

xxxx 1dream41d

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