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Eugenes pov

(zachs single in this btw)

I was getting ready to go work when I got a phone call from Zach.

"Hey 'Gene" the cute person said. When he calls me that my heart flutters.

"Hey" I said nerves clear in my voice this happens whenever I speak to him.

" Are you ok 'Gene? " Zach asked worry lacing his voice

"Yes just getting ready for work you?" i quickly changed the subject

"Ye. Any way can you take me to work my car broke down"

"Sure Zach  as long as we can go to starbucks on the way"

"Ok bye Eugene"

"Bye zach." and with that he hung up. "I love you" I added after he ended the call. I just wish he knew how i felt.

I finished getting ready and went to get zach.

*Time skip zachs house*

I got out of my car shaking from nerves if just thinking about him makes me blush what about when I see him.  I knock on his door for it to open almost instantly. " Hi zach"

"Hi 'gene"

There was a moment of arkward scilence that lasted almost to long.

"We should get going"

There was nothing but a nodd of the head form the smaller man. The ride was pretty arkward. when we pulled up to some traffic lights zach spoke up " Eugene are you ok your acting realy weird?"

should I tell him how I feel?"Yea Im fine". We finally arrived at starbucks and got everyones drinks then arrived at the office.


I wake up to a phone call from Zach. "Hey whats up?"

"Hi sorry if I woke you up but my AS is killing me. Can you come around and help me please"

How could I leave the poor man in pain. Plus it means I can see him again."yea sure Ill be around in 10"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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