Chapter 1

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I was sitting on the hard, paint-chipped bench outside of my school, with the autumn breeze flowing through my long brown hair. I was emotionless. My eyes gazing down at my feet, with the blankest expression. I couldn't believe what happened last night at the frat party down at Marshall Andrew's house. He was a mutual friend of mine and Justin's. Justin was my first boyfriend, and we've been together for the past year and a half. His dirty blonde hair and green-blue eyes, set my heart a blaze when I saw him. He was a quarter-back in our schools football team, and I was the cheerleading captain, so people in our school nicknamed us "Justin and Britney." Although my name is technically Christie, people have been calling us Justin and Britney for so long, that I think that they had forgotten my real name. I guess being with Justin kind of gave me a new identity. I really, truly believed he was the one for me, you know? I thought one day, he was going to ask me to marry him, and I was going to have his babies, and that we were going to live happily ever after, in a nice little house, with the white picket fence, and live the "The American Dream" that all young girls fantasize about. But sadly, that wasn't our destiny. Last night, he proved to me that he was a lying, unfaithful, cheating son of a bitch, by having me catch him making out with that snobby little slut, Jackie Harrison; Barbie doll face, with a perfect body. I should've known that he would do this. He never used to take me out, buy me things, or show me off to his friends. But most importantly, he never gave me the affection, that I so desperately craved.

I headed off to class the next day. My first class was Science, which I fucking hated. I was never good at it, and I always managed to get by with a pathetic 50%-60%. I hated the teacher too. Ms. O'Neil was a ancient, bitter old lady, who assigned us bibles of homework, and handed us summative "surprise" quizzes. I laid my books down, and sat at the very back desk, in the far right corner, next to the door. Maybe I shouldn't have worn that short plaid skirt. It kept riding over my ass every time I sat down.

My eyes darted from my twiddling thumbs, to the head of the classroom, and to my surprise, Ms. O'Neil wasn't teaching today. A strange man walked in through the door holding a brief case, who I guess was in his mid forties, in a white dress shirt, and blue-grey dress pants, paired with a shiny black leather belt, and shiny black leather shoes. He also had on a pair of glasses as well. God, he was attractive for his age, and it kind of blew me away. He gave off that sexy mature look, but at the same time, gracing us with that gentle gleam in his eyes. The man walked to the head of the classroom, and began to speak. My ears perked up to the sound of his smooth baritone voice.

"I'm Mr. Downey. Your teacher, Ms. O'Neil is out due to medical reasons, so I'm going to be teaching this class for the rest of the year. My expectations from you, are to be respectful in my class, work to the best of your abilities, and by the end if this semester, I want all of you in here to pass this class with a 90% average and above. Do I make myself clear?"

There was a short pause. The class looked pretty shocked, that he just walked in here like he owned the place. Usually, when we get a new teacher, or a substitute, the class acts foolish, and nothing gets done. But they seemed to have taken him seriously, due to his stern vibe he gave off in the room. Finally, the class nodded yes, and opened their books.


Then, Mr. Downey walked toward the desk, and unpacked his brief case, baring the materials needed for the day. There was soft mumbling amongst the class, and I heard a jock in front of me say to one of his friends,

"I almost want that crusty old bat to come back. This guy seems like a complete tool."

Everyone went silent, and their heads began to turn toward the jock. All eyes were now on him. Mr. Downey slowly turned around, and shot this guy the most deathly stare you'd ever see someone shoot.

"Get out of my classroom right now."

He said as he pointed toward the door.

"What did I tell you about respect in my class? You're in high school now. It's time to grow up, and learn to take things seriously."

The jock slouched out of his desk, reaching for the one stub of a pencil that he managed to bring to class, and he walked out the door.

"Whatever, this class is lame anyways." He said, as he slammed the door behind him.

Mr. Downey rolled his eyes, and walked back toward his desk with his arms folded.

Seeing Mr. Downey hold authority over that guy who sat in front of me, turned me on in the weirdest way. Things started happening to me, that I've never felt happen before. Almost something foreign. I felt so aroused, in the back of the classroom, wearing my little plaid skirt, that I shouldn't have worn, but it felt good. It was a feeling, that no guy, not even Justin, had ever given me.

At the end of the school day, I was at my locker, in a deserted hallway, packing up my book bag, and getting ready to head on home. Everyone else had left the school, but I always stayed a little extra time after school ended, to help out with school counsel. I shoved a binder in my book bag, when suddenly, I felt somebody's strong hand grasp my petite shoulder. Frightened, I turned around, only to find Mr. Downey standing there, spearing me, with his chocolate brown eyes.

"H-hello Sir, may I help you with something?"

I asked nervously.

"I need to see you in my class right now Miss. It's important."

With his hand still on my shoulder, we walked down the hallway, and into his classroom. As we walked in, he closed the door behind us, and walked over to his desk.

"Take a seat m'am, and tell me your name."

He demanded.

I took the seat nearest to his desk this time

"Christie" I replied, trembling.

There was a short pause, but to me, it felt like an eternity, anxiously awaiting for him to say something.

Mr. Downey was facing away from me, for quite some time now. All I could see of him, his manly physique. His v-shaped torso, his protruding buttox, and his firm legs. The light, bouncing off his rich brunette hair. I still didn't know why I was called here though. I was mortified.What have I done? I couldn't even brainstorm any ideas on what I could've done.

After about a minute passing, he finally spoke.

"I seen you in school today, running around in your little short skirt." He said, still facing away.

"Do you know, that this school has a very strict dress code?"

"Yes" I replied nervously.

He turned around.

"But you chose to wear this revealing little skirt."

I nearly shed a tear. He was intimidating me. What were his plans for punishing me? I sat there innocently, hoping that he'll let me off with just a warning.

"I'm a very "by the book" kind of teacher you know."

He walked up closer to me, again, spearing me with his chocolate brown eyes.

"Stand up, and turn around."

I done as I was told.

I could sense his eyes staring up and down my body. I could feel him looking at me, examining my curvy, yet petite frame.

Suddenly, I felt two strong arms gently grab my waist. I could feel his warm body, slowly come closer to mine. I could feel the scruff of his facial hair, softly brush against the curve of my neck. I could smell him. I could smell his masculine scent, lingering in the air, that we both were now sharing.

As his lips, barely touched the top of my ear, he whispered.

"You've been bad girl young lady. Someone oughta teach you a lesson."

*****END OF CHAPTER 1*****

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