Chapter 4

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"How was I Robert? Was I good? " I asked shyly.

"You were amazing baby girl. I couldn't have asked for better." He said as he brushed the hair from out of my face.

I smiled and stared into his beautiful brown eyes. He put his arms around me and our naked bodies cuddled together in the center of my bed.

"When is your mom going to get home?" He asked.

"In one hour Robert."

"Maybe I should go. I don't want anyone to find out about this."

I closed my eyes, and held onto him even tighter, as I turned my face into his chest. I never said anything, because I didn't want him to leave. I could tell he didn't either. We were so comfortable together, just holding onto one another, and he made me feel protected, and secure. I looked up at him.

"Stay." I said quietly. "Stay a bit longer."

And so he did.

"How do you feel Christie? Did I hurt you to much?" He asked.

"Just a little bit Mr. Downey....I mean Robert...but it went away after a while, and then I started to feel good down there. I've never had that feeling before."

"I'm glad I could be your first." He said "You were the best I've ever had."

I kept nuzzling my face into his chest, as I smiled.

"Thank you Robert. Thank you for giving me this treat, even though I've been a bad girl in school." I teased.

He started to laugh.

"Consider this a warning young lady, next time, it'll be detention in my room."

We both laughed at each others little teases, and he kept his grip on my body the whole time.

After twenty more minutes of cuddling each other, we got up, and put our clothes back on. I walked him down the stairs, and into the porch. I looked at him, still grinning, as he put on his shoes.

"Well, goodbye Christie." He said.

"Goodbye Robert."

He just stood there in the doorway, just looking at me, in his leather jacket, so perfectly, so beautifully,for a few seconds, and so I walked up closer to him. He put his hands on my hips, moving me in closer towards him, and he went in for a kiss. It was soft and gentle. It almost made up for all that aggressive sex we had. We were kissing for about a minute and a half, and then he told me he had to go. There was still about a half an hour before my mom got back, but we weren't going to risk getting caught. So he walked out into the cold night air, got into his car, and was on his way. I stood in the doorway, as I watched him back out of the driveway, and drive away, until his car was no longer visible.

I walked into my house, closing the door behind me, and walked into the living room. I wouldn't even use the word "walk." It was more like a limp. He gave it to me so hard that night, that I had trouble walking, even in short distances.

I sat down on the couch, in the place where he once sat, and I fell asleep. I fell asleep to the scent that he left behind, and I fell asleep to the fresh memories I had of him making sweet love to me.

Monday morning came soon enough, and I was in the entrance of the school the moment the doors opened. I always went to school early, because of student council meetings, and other things I was involved in. I was walking down the hallway, when I seen Justin, sitting down by my locker, his eyes were closed, and his head was resting on the locker. I walked toward him (still with somewhat of a limp) concerned and confused.

"What are you doing here Justin?" I asked in a short tempered tone.

He looked up at me, with the saddest, puppy dog eyes you'd ever seen in your life. He finally built up the courage to speak.

"She left me Christie." He said, slightly shaking his head.

I looked down at him, with no mercy.

"....And?" I asked. "What? Do you want me to take pity on you or something?"

"No....I....I just need someone to talk to."

"Oh, so you're to big and tough to go talk to one of your boys about it? So you come back to me? Why? You want me to stroke your big ego now, since Jackie won't do it for you anymore? Get lost!" I snapped.

He gradually stood up, with a bit of a struggle. His knees seemed weak. When he finally stood up straight, he started to try and smooth talk me back into his life again.

"I don't know what I was thinking, doing what I did to you. You were the best girl I ever had, and I ever will have. Christie, you've got to believe me babe. I swear to God, I'm lost in this world without you."

I almost seen a tear well up in his eye, but I knew it wasn't for me. He just felt bad for himself.

"I'm not your "babe" anymore Justin. And maybe you should've thought about that, when you went ahead and cheated on me with that Jackie girl. I'm not even interested in you anymore."

I looked down, and thought about what I was gonna say next. I hesitated, but I worked up the nerve to tell him.

"I....I found someone else Justin." I said.

"What? Who? Is it Marshall? Is that who it is? Because I'll beat the fucking shit out of that son of a bitch I swear!!" He said, starting to raise his voice and deepen it, like he was some sort of big shot.

"You don't know who he is." I said politely. "But you can get out of my life now. Go find yourself another broad to fool with."

I looked at me for a minute, and he took a deep breath. Then he picked up his bag, and walked away. I stood there in the middle of the hallway by myself for a bit. There was a lump in my throat because I knew that Justin was out of my life forever, but I was also at peace with it all, because I knew something was about to spark off with me and Robert. I just knew it.

*****END OF CHAPTER 4******

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