‣ noriaki kakyoin

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req by: unhkown

((sorry if i did it wrong!! feel free to DM me again and ask for another one, i don't mind making 3 kaks. <3 it's just school that's taking me over haha))

fake love;;;; or was it!???? >:0 kakyoin noriaki x reader


"Don't actually, ever, fall in love with me." 

You look at him, shooting a serious glare into his glazy, purple eyes. He smiled at you, a soft gesture anyone would return. "Okay, but the same goes for me." he replied. Scoffing, you don't return the smile, instead, you grit your teeth. "Yeah, okay." you walked out of the empty classroom with heavy footsteps, starting today, you have to pretend you're his girlfriend. Why? To prey off other girls swooning over him, and to make them lose hope. And he, chooses the most stubborn, disliked person out of the bunch. This comes with a catch though, it can either end up as planned (not getting together) until the end of high school, or you could probably end up the other way, which would piss you off and leave you questioning yourself.

The bell rang, signalling the students that it was time to get back to class, you checked your watch and briskly walked all the way to your assigned classroom, where you were taught English. You sat in your seat and waited. Patiently. Until the teacher arrived and started writing on the chalkboard.

Hours later, you finally get up from your seat and switch to another room. But once you stepped a foot outside of class, you felt a firm grip on your hand. You turned to glance at the culprit, only to be met with a pair of gentle lips being pressed on your forehead. You became flustered, "What was that for?!" you whisper-yell at Kakyoin, whose face showed no shame. "You gotta make it obvious." he shushed you. "You're taking things too fast! I'm literally not gonna do this anymore if you're gonna force me into stuff I'm not comfortable with, too much PDA!" you gave him a dirty look, to which he sighed to in reply. "Okay, but expect me to hold your hand frequently." your conversation with him was filled with conflict, a group of nosy girls were staring at you from a distance with a hint of jealousy in their eyes. You heard a few mumbles from the group, whispering to each other. "With Kakyoin? No way!" One of them said out loud, only to be shushed by her friends. "I know, he deserves better." Another girl gritted her teeth, "He deserves someone that would appreciate him in bed, like me!" A girl retorted, arching her back to make it look like she has a plump bottom while leaning in closer to her friends. One of the bystanders looked disgusted by the phrase she just spitted out of her foul mouth and walked away, not wanting to listen to their discussion any longer.

A few hours later...

Today was horrible, loads of PDA hand holding was involved, you weren't used to it, never in your life, you ever thought of this situation. Your stomach had started to ache, too. Now, you were walking all the way to your humble abode- with Kakyoin, of course.

You felt a lukewarm liquid drip from your nose, curious, you wiped your nose with your sleeve and saw blood, fresh blood. Your feet had stopped walking and so did Kakyoin. "Is something wrong?" he asked in a calm manner. You - completely unfazed by the bleeding - nodded at him and turned around. "My nose is bleeding.. It's not like it's your job to take care of me though. Just give me some tissue." you say sternly, he took out some tissues and handed it to you. "I don't want you getting hurt, though."

"Stop acting like my boyfriend!" you groan at him, snatching the tissue from his hands and wiping your nose until all that was left is a bloody tissue. You threw it at the nearest trash can and proceeded to walk the way to your house, Kakyoin looked at you and followed. "You're super stubborn." he commented, you ignore this and look down at your feet, kicking rocks to the side as you walk. "Why do you have to follow me everywhere?" you grumble, obviously suffering from the bad mood today has given you. "That's what pretend-boyfriends do, right?" he replied in a cocky tone, he sounded a bit annoyed by your stubbornness "Whatever.." you sigh in disappointment. As the both of you kept walking, you finally reached your destination. "If only I could skip a year by snapping my fingers then I wouldn't be in such a forced relationship." you stuck your tongue at him, quickly grabbing your keys from your pocket and entering the house. He waved bye at you, "Bye, (Y/N)." and walked away. "Pft, loser."

Months, and months after..

Surprisingly, you both started to get along with each other, it started off with him letting you borrow pens during class, then, you magically got adjusted to the amount of PDA he was showing. It didn't feel fake, or forced, it felt as if he was doing this out of real affection. Everyone started to ask and ask Kakyoin from day to day if the both of you were dating, of course, he would say yes. But did he actually mean an authentic yes?

Today was gonna be the last day of school, finally. You were planning to ask Kakyoin if the fake act will end, you will admit, he's been patient with you and has (almost) never caused any conflict between the both of you.

After the last class;

"Hey, Kak?"

"Yeah?" he answered, looking at you with his shining purple orbs along with his almost cherry-red hair.

"Is the act over? Like, the one we did since the middle of the school year.. Or is everyone still bothering you."

He forgot that this was a deal settled between you.


He stayed silent, his cheeks were turning red by the second as he gently spoke up once again; "You see, over the past months and weeks, I've kinda developed feelings for you, um- how do you say this, well," he gulped, you stared at him with a surprised look. "Me?" you pointed at yourself. "No way, stop lying." you chuckle softly, Kakyoin was serious, he didn't like it when people would poke fun at him for telling the truth. "Okay, prove it, cherry-head." you taunted him, he came in closer to you and leaned a bit down to kiss your forehead, the first ever kiss you've received from him. Flustered, you hit him.


"You weren't supposed to do that! That's not part of the deal!" 

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