Chapter 8

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"What's going on!," Aniya yells.


Finally, lunch time. Today decided to go home for lunch since my 4th class of the day was cancelled. I got into my truck and drove home, excited to see the look on Mack face. Quickly, I drove home and parked my truck in front of our apartment. Getting up the car, I lock it and run up to the door. When I reach for the doorknob, I noticed a the doors unlocked. ~That's weird...~ I open the door and suddenly drop my stuff. My eyes well up with tears won't anger builds up inside me.

"What's going on!," I yell out.

The familiar girl looks at me as she gets up off of Matt.

"Jenny?," I say. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Me?," Jenny said. "He came onto me!"

I felt my heart shatter. I didn't want to believe her. And I don't think I do; but with what I just walked into, I don't know what to believe. I look at Matt.

"Is this what you do during the day while I'm gone?," I ask.

He gets up and walks over to me.

"No baby," he says. "Its always just Nova and I."

"That's not what I saw when I came in," I say to him.

He doesn't say anything.

"Jenny," I say. "Get the fuck out of my house."

Jenny looks at me. "What- I thought you were on my side?"

"Get. Out," I tell her.

She looks at me and walks out the door.

"Go with your girlfriend," I say to Matt.

"Aniya please," he says. "Baby she came onto me. I tried pushing her off of me but I didn't want to hurt her."

I look at him as I feel my blood boil.

"You were mine!," I yell. "If a guy was trying to touch and kiss on me I wouldn't be gentle. I don't care who she is. You should have told her to back the fuck off!"

He looks at me with sad eyes and I look away quickly.

"Get out," I say to him. "Don't make this any harder than it should be."

"Baby please," he says. "I'm begging you to just listen to me."

"And take this with you," I say as I take off my ring. "I think she'll like it."

"W-what?," he stutters. "No baby. P-please put this ring back on. I love you."

"Goodbye Matt," I say as I push him out the front door.

I closed the door and feel my legs go weak as I fall onto the floor. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I feel my tears burn my eyes violently.


I look up and see Nova crying in her playpen. I get up and walk over to her. Picking her up, I hold her close and kiss her head.

"It's okay baby girl," I say to her. "Don't cry."

Her eyes get red as several more tears are shed. I grabbed her a bottle and take her upstairs to lay her down. I call in with a family emergency for my last class and get ready for bed. It felt weird without Matt; and as I laid in bed letting my feelings eat me up, Matt flash through my mind. I wondered where he was sleeping tonight, probably at Jenny's house. Thinking about it made me feel worse, so I turned out my light and went to sleep with a broken heart and an empty stomach. I've never went to bed at 5 in the afternoon but I think I'm going to like it.

I felt cold under the blanket without Matt. And it was harder for me to sleep; but, that's only thing that brought me peace.

1 Week Later

It's the same old, same old now. I get calls from Matt almost every 5 minutes to every hour. We haven't talked to once since our fight. I've gotten calls from my mom, his mom, Jason, Amanda, John, everyone. All of them asking the same question.~"What happened between you and Matt?"~ And I gave all of them the same answer. ~"I don't want to talk about it..."~ Today is Mom and the John's wedding, and I wish I was more excited to be there; but, I have to walk down the aisle with Matt, and that's going to be hard. I'm just happy that I'm not going to be missing school for the wedding. I've missed 0 days since Matt and I fought and I don't plan on missing any. My neighbor has been sweet enough to watch Nova for me during the day, and they let her know --every day now-- that I appreciate her.

As of right now, I'm getting Nova stuff around so we can leave. It's 6 in the morning and I have never been so ready for bed. I quickly get Nova's diaper bag ready and buckle her into her car seat. I walk her outside and put her in the truck before getting in and starting the car. We're soon on our way to my home Nashville, Tennessee. And as I drive, I feel the pit of my stomach burn. ~This is going to be a long day...~

*Hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry I've been taking so long, I've been busy. But I hope you enjoyed cuz I wrote nine pages in one day (which is harder than you think). Anyways! Love you guys! Byebye!💖*

Word Count: 919

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