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                  Viviann's P.O.V.
"I think she's waking up."I say leaning forward in my seat.Her eyes were fluttering open and I was excited,it had been about two days and Tony had stayed by my side.

I met this lady named Pepper Potts and she was really worried,but she was nice.I also met this guy named Happy Hogan.It was all such a rush,I mean Tony Stark was a billionaire.

"Wha- What happened."Alex says opening her eyes.I smiled and waved.She moved her hand,I guess trying to wave.She looked bad,she had a black eye and a cast,and she had a few bandages on her arms from cuts.

"You okay?"Tony asks also leaning forward in his seat.

"Yeah,I'm just fine,nothing wrong with me."She says sarcastically.She was like that a lot.
                  Alex's P.O.V.
It had been about a week since I woke up and I was a little healed but not all the way.Me and my sister got rooms until they find any other relatives.

"We need to do some DNA blood tests because there are a few men who we found with the last name Williams."Pepper says leading me to Tony's lab,I had no idea where my sister was but whatever.

"Just sit here and wait,since you and your sister are twins we only need one of your all's blood."Pepper says going to find Tony.I didn't like it here it wasn't like normal,I mean we didn't have a lot of money but it was a good life.

"Hey,you ready?"Tony says walking in.I nod and he pulls out some materials.He comes over with a needle,needles never scared me but they scared my sister.

Tony tells me to hold out my arm and I do.While he's taking some blood I study his facial features.He looked similar to my sister,same brown eyes,same nose shape,a lot of things were similar.

"Okay,done!"He says getting up and taking it over to some machine.I get up and walk towards him.

"Can you show me how it works?"I ask picking up a pen and playing with it.He looks at me and raises his eyebrows.

"What? I've just always been interested in technology and science."I say and he nods.

"Yeah I can show you how it works."He says then gets another needle thing,he puts it in his arm and takes some blood.

"So,I'm just gonna use my blood to compare.You take the blood and run it through the machine.Then you wait for results."He says showing me what buttons to push and what else to do.

"Cool."I say then walk out of the lab going to find something else to do.
              1 hour later
        Tony's P.O.V.
"Jarvis are the results ready yet."I say spinning in my chair.

"Do you want yours to,I have found something interesting?" My AI asks.What could be so interesting.

"Yeah sure,print them off."I say walking to my printer.I pick up the papers and look them over.I drop them and call Pepper.

"What do you mean the blood test says your the father!"Pepper says half yelling.

"I don't know I met a lot of women when I was first a billionaire!"I say pacing the room.

"We have to tell them sometime."Pepper says as we walk to the girls who are in the living room of the huge tower.

"Umm,Viviann can you come with me Tony needs to talk with Alex."Pepper says and they walk out.

"So,What are you doing?"I ask sitting down next to her.

"We're playing Uno."She says and she sets down her cards.

"So,I meant to ask you something.Do you have any problems sleeping?"I ask.I really needed to know if I was really these girls father and first I was gonna see what traits they had.

"Yeah I really never sleep,maybe I'll get like an hour of sleep every night."She says.

"What about anxiety issues,like anxiety attacks."I ask her,something tells me the DNA test wasn't lying.

"Yeah sometimes"

"How to you deal with them?"I ask her.

"I think of sunflowers"

"Well umm,I'm not sure how to tell you this but..."I say and she furrows her brows at me.

"I'm your all's father."

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