Destiel Mishtiel I'm My Own Ship.

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The morning sun shines through the blinds and white curtains waking me up. The room is colder than when I went to sleep and my sound machine is still blaring. The ocean waves greeting me with their inward and outward sounds. My cat, Sylvester jumps onto my lap meowing as if I owe him something. I take the covers off and walk downstairs making me a bowl of overnight oats I left in the fridge last night before I went to sleep. Adding berries and granola, I sit at the table to eat. My father, who left just moments before; left the newspaper flipped to the comic section just for me. I love to read so many would think I would enjoy a nice tale of something that happened in this town but I know the only things that are going to be filling the grey and black pages is the largest pumpkin grown this year or the fact that the fair is coming to town. I rather take a moment for some lacking in thought comics like Zits or Dilbert. 

By the time I have reached the horoscope, I'm finished with breakfast and head upstairs to get ready. Armed with my over-sized brown knitted sweater and some leggings with boots, I head over to the bookstore. Since I can already see the windows and I notice the classic chalkboard sign isn't out, I knew Steven has yet to arrive and is probably running late. Taking the key out of my pocket I proceed to open the shop. Turning on the lights, Unlocking the doors and putting that previously mentioned sign out for all 30 people walking down the street to see. Over the next few hours, a couple of people came in but not very many. Mostly tourist looking for a good place to get coffee and would only rationally think the only bookstore in town would know a good place. Of course, I did. Being the coffee fanatic I am, I know that Ugly Goat two buildings down is the best place for a Chi Latte. Telling them this put me in the mood for one. So, I simply went over there. 

The few times I have traveled outside of Georgetown to go shopping or simply to get away from the getaway, I've noticed many people aren't as trusting of each other in bigger cities as in a small town like George. Since everyone knows everyone no one really wants to hurt each other. Mostly because if you do, you not only have that person to deal with but 298 other people too. When I arrived back at the store I saw the boy who wanted me to fix his book. He noticed me right away as if I had rung the doorbell or shouted his name, but I did neither of those things. "Hey, Sarah right?" He asks. "Yeah," I respond and wave. "So I know I told you I need that book tomorrow but they switched the dates is there anyway I could pick it up now?" He says doing that thing with his hands in his pockets rocking back and forth from toe to heel. 

"Uh, sure I still have a few things to fix on it, but I can get it to you today," I explain setting my coffee and bagel down behind the register. "Okay, should I wait here or..." He trailed off pointing his thumb behind his shoulder. "Um...Sure. Do you wanna wait here for my boss Steven to show up? That way I can go get your book?" I offer. I know I just left the store to go get coffee but I feel like doing that two times in a row is a little irresponsible. "Yeah, I'll look around." He said and then proceeded to make his way around the small store. I, on the other hand, transferred wood to the fireplace and built a small fire for the guest. Now I can't leave even if I decided to. 

Not soon after I finished that, Steven walked in. Still wrestling with his tie and collar. "Sorry, I'm late. Thanks for opening." He says absentmindedly as he walks to the small room behind the register. "Hey Steve!" I holler and wait for his answer. He peeps his head from around the corner lifting a bushy eyebrows. "I'm gonna run home real quick, I clocked out." I say and take my bag off of the hook. "Okay." He simply puts and runs back to his processing room. I wave my hand over to Jacob to follow me. He, of course, complies. 

Catching up to me, he walks in silence. "How long have you lived here?" He asks breaking the now uncomfortable silence. "My whole life." I answer with a smile. He nods and smiles back keeping his head down as if the dirty white laces of his tennis shoes would hold all the answers to the questions obviously bouncing around in his mind slowing making him crazy. We arrive at my house not a minute after we left the bookstore and I unlock the door. Walking in, for the first time in my life I became insecure with how my home looked. "Uh...Sorry for the mess." I say as I throw my keys down on the table. "If this is a mess, I wonder what a clean house looks like to you." He says as he swivels his head around the room looking at the many posters of Bruce Willis my dad talked my mom into letting him hang. This, as you would think, clashed just a bit with my moms bright and colorful bohemian style she was destined to have. 

I make my way to the stairs and Jacob awkwardly stands a few feet behind me with his hand on his neck. "Are you coming?" I say, now halfway up the creaky steps. "Hmm...okay...Yeah." He nervously announces. I giggle at his oddness and finish climbing the stairs, his footsteps matching mine. Opening my room his eyes get a bit bigger and his stance gets a little bit stiffer. Sylvester meows as he licks himself on the wooden chair pulled out from my desk. "Meet Sylvester, he doesn't prefer privacy when bathing. He is very confident in his body." I state as Jacob walks over and pets him, laughing at my ; what he thought- was a joke. "Here you go." I say and hand him the book. "Thanks-" he looks over the book and taps his foot nervously-" you want to get coffee or lunch sometime?" He finally spits out. This caught me off guard. Besides the Destiel Imagines that I read online, I don't have much experience in the romantic endeavors of man. 

He lifts his eyes up in a questioning way and that when I realize its been like 30 seconds since he asked the question. "Oh, yeah I would love to." I say and put a perky smile on my face. My insides were freaking out though, I felt like my stomach was square dancing with my heart. I understand why Romeo and Juliet would off themselves. Who would want to live with this? "Okay." He says as he reaches in his pocket for a pink sticky note. "Here's my number." He says as he hands it to me. He really thought this out. "Okay, I'll text you." I say and stick it to my desk. We ended on a really awkward hug. Not like the level of awkward when you aunt hugs you and you have your hands full, no this was a new level. This awkward was one for the books. 

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