Chapter Three

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Thursday 22nd of November 2012 - 07:00

Erica was already on her way to work, her shift started at eight and she couldn't afford to be late again.   There was no way she was going to have another meeting with her creepy manager over her time-keeping.  She was sure that behind his cheap polyester suit and officious ways, was a dirty little pervert.  He never dragged any of the men into his office for a word, but he seemed to always be on the lookout for even the slightest mistake, just to get some alone time with her.

Working at Rainbow wasn't at all as wonderful as it sounds.  Rainbow was the friendly name they gave to a special kind of workplace hell called the modern call center.  Where the uneducated, lazy and unfortunate of the young British workforce were obligated to work or instead live off of Government handouts.   Rainbow Call Centers were the equivalent of the Dickensian workhouses.  Minimum wage, shit hours, zero hours contracts and a legal black hole.  Despite her hatred for her job, the building, her colleagues and her superiors, Erica needed this job.  Having a job allowed her to follow her real passions.  

Erica's day always started the same.  A five-mile brisk jog around the wildlife park near her flat.  Home, shower and twenty minutes of contemplative meditation before a light breakfast of fruit or cereal.   Her lifestyle was one of routine and preparation.  Her body was her favorite tool and she preferred to keep herself honed to perfection.  Having a healthy body and mind, was all part of her daily routine.  It was essential to the grand plan that was her reason for being.   The people who knew her best, her parents, her ex-husband and her friends all thought that Erica was suffering from some type of obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Erica knew better.  Yes, she was obsessive but for good reason.  Every escape plan she had ever made was necessary.  Every tin of food she stored was necessary and every martial art she had ever learned was all going to be required at some point.  She just knew it. Even if they weren't required, it couldn't harm and the very act of ordering her life in this way, with lists, timetables, plans, and preparations gave her a sense of purpose.  

Erica was a prepper.  

Erica pulled up to her usual parking space outside the run-down office block at just before eight in the morning.  As she was pulling her raincoat and purse off of the back seat of her silver Fiesta when she glanced up at the third floor where Rainbows offices were located.  Fucking unbelievable, she muttered under her breath when she saw Mr. Timms peering over his morning coffee at her.  She had had enough of this shit-stain.  If he dragged her into his office for a chat, she was going to throttle the weasel with his own tie.  Mr. Timms rapped on the glass and motioned towards his watch.  Fortunately, he was holding his Star Wars coffee mug in the same hand and hot coffee spilled onto his polyester crotch.  Erica smiled to herself as she gleefully bounded up the stairs to the third floor.  

"Morning Mr. Timms"  Erica shouted loud enough for everyone on the floor to hear, as she passed his office at one minute past eight.  There was no reply.  No doubt Mr. Timms was not going to leave his office while his trousers looked like he had pissed himself.  Erica was smug in what she felt was one small victory for the day.  She sat down at her desk to start the day.  Today Erica was selling warranty extensions on tumble driers which were recently purchased.  She pulled up the dialing database and hit dial on the first number.  "Good Morning Mrs. Gladstone.." 

At five on the dot, Erica packed up her things and signed out of her computer.  The next shift was arriving but she had no time for small talk.  Leaving her car in the car-park she jogged across the road to Grants Gym,  another reason she needed this job, it was close to the Gym.  After an hour warm up and some cardio, she taught her first self-defence class of the evening. On Thursdays, she taught a young woman's class at six-thirty and at seven-thirty a more mature ladies class.  This was nothing more than giving advice on how not to get a broken wrist in a bag-snatch.  Thoroughly exhausted, at eight in the evening, she was letting herself into her car still at the staff carpark.  It was a damp, dark and cold evening, the yellow emergency lighting on the building partially lit her way.  Her numb fingers fumbled her car keys for a moment and they slipped to the floor.  As she bent down to pick them up, she noticed two long shadows appear on the concrete floor.  Hurriedly grabbing her keys she spun around on her leather boots.  

Mr Timms stood with a more dumbfounded expression on his face than usual, his arms up in the air, palms out.  "Easy tiger.  I was just going to help you pick up your keys" His glasses had started to steam up in the cold and his bulbous nose was oozing snot.  

Erica had no idea he was right behind her, how could he have seen her drop her keys?  He must have been sneaking around behind.  Why didn't he say anything?  "errr.  Ok.  Yeah, sorry you kind of made me jump. I didn't hear you behind me." 

Mr. Timms wiped his nose on the back of his hand and smirked a little, at least Erica thought it was a smirk, it was hard to tell under his little whispy excuse for a mustache. "Sorry.  I was just coming out to my car and couldn't help but enjoy the view"  He looked down at her legs and to the side as if trying to peer at her bottom.  

Erica took a deep breath.  This total fucking pervert was going to get a fist in his face, she thought.  But she really needed this job and it's such a good location for the gym and the parking is free. Fuck! she thought.  "Mr. Simms.  I have had a very long day and I am very tired. So I will forget you said that and just get in my car and go home. Good Night".  Erica got into her car without another look at Mr. Simms and started the engine. 

Erica drove home with rain on her windscreen and tears in her eyes. She banged hard on to the steering wheel with both hands.  "I will fucking kill that bastard one day,"  she said to herself.  

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