Student council.

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     warning: implied sex, violence, kinks also they're 4th years.
        Harry Potter has currently started the Student council, he is the leader and Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Pansy are currently in the student council as well. They are currently looking for a sixth member. (lmao it'll be malfoy DUR)

      "OK council settle down." Harry says.
They quiet down and look at harry.

  "It has dawned on me that if we want to be able to search this place safely and keep violence out of our beloved hogwarts, we must add a sixth member." Says harry.

     They council looks and leans in a whispers to each other before Hermione looks at harry and nods.

       "As much as I hate to say this well, Draco Malfoy is the only one who masters most subjects, one of the smartest in potions and he keeps above 4.3 GPA." Says harry.

      "SO, he is perfect for the job of walking through the great Hall and in, by and out the slytherin common room." Says harry.

     "I must go find Malfoy." Says harry.

The student council including the president has the outfits of yandere simulator council but the men have different outfits they have these:

The student council including the president has the outfits of yandere simulator council but the men have different outfits they have these:

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(I know right hot also they don't have to wear robes because being in council and defending the school get them special treatment... lord knows Malfoy doesn't need more of that! Pray for council!!)

    Harry gets up to walk, proceeding to leave the council's meeting room shocked and terrified about the thought of Malfoy getting into the council and having the same amount of power as them except Pansy who looks smug and is wearing a smirk on her face.

        Harry waits for 1st years to go into Slytherin common room. He takes his chance and walks in to see Blaise and some 3rd years flirting.

        He walks up to Blaise and slaps Blaise on the head.

        "Blaise keep your manly urges to yourself they are 13 year Old's some even 12 don't be a pervert or I might have to use my pepper spray." Says harry.

      Blaise looks shocked as the 3rd years laugh, Harry walks away towards Malfoys room.

      Harry walks the door only to hear moaning sounds.

       He is about to walk away when he hears Malfoy call his name in a loud and desperate moan.

        "Harry!" Moans Draco.

       Harry shakes his head in disbelief as he charges into the room to find Malfoy play with his joystick, head tilted back mouth agape and a look of pure pleasure of his face, his member twitching sporadically in his hand.

       "What the fuck!" Says harry.

     Malfoy looks startled as he hurries to pull up his boxers and put his trousers "Shut up potter!" Says Draco

    "Anyway I have to ask of something Malfoy." Says Harry

      "What is it, potter?" Draco says blushing red from embarrassment.

       "We- The headmaster needs you to join the student council." Says harry.

        "On one condition." Draco says.

   "What is it, Malfoy." Harry says fed up with Draco's disgusting behavior and ignorance. Harry quickly ponders if he should just run out the room and escape this situation before it can get worse.

          "You have to blow me, EVERYDAY from Tuesday to Friday." Says Draco.

        "God, you really have lost it Malfoy. Are you fucking sick?" Harry spat out.

       "Oh yeah, and stop calling me Malfoy my name is Draco or even.... daddy." Draco gives harry the famous Malfoy smirk.

        "FINE!" SAYS harry about to turn off.

Harry stops in his tracks reaches into his bag to pull out a uniform [the council uniform] and tosses it to him.

    Harry then turn to walk off but then Malfoy stops him.

      "Ah ah ah, it's Wednesday dear and I'm an official member now." Says Malfoy grinning his obvious boner making a tent in his pants.
        Harry sighs as he drops to his knees and unbuttoned Draco's pants.

         (Time skip of 25 minutes later)

       Harry buttons Malfoy pants and stands up.

       Harry realizes he liked it more than he should've, maybe that's why he didn't run out the room when he realized what Malfoy was doing.

      Harry looks Malfoy in the eyes to find Malfoy has been staring into his Avada Kedavra green eyes all along.

    They both then do something unexpected, they kiss.

     "Draco." Harry says Draco looks shocked at the fact that Harry called him Draco and not Malfoy.

     "A-are we dating now." Says harry.

   "If you want." Says Draco.

"Yes." Says harry as he leans in and kisses him.
        They both walk to the council room and Harry speaks up.

      "Welcome our newest member Draco Malfoy." Says harry.

      They student council clapped awkwardly except Pansy she was clapping, whistling and cheering on Draco. I mean it was of course their plan and she was the one who pitched the idea to the Headmaster.

And that Is THE END. BYEEEE♡♡♡♡○○●●○○

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