The meet

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(Y/n = you)

"Fuckidy, fuck, fuck, fuck! I hate work."
I say out loud in an lonely coffee shop with only my best friend (Oceania-who I work with) to here my words.
"Jesus fucking Christ. Mind calming down"
Oceania says making herself a coffee.
"I can't help it, it sucks dick." I continue with my rant. Oceania only rolls her eyes and let's out a giggle because she feels the same.

Ding ding.

"Look someone's coming in, be nice." Oceania says to me, nudging me and walking to the kitchen. I just look at her and ignore her.
"Hiya" a soft voice says.
"Damn she's pretty." i think to myself.
"Hi what can I get you." I say with my quote on quote "nice voice".
"Em kinda just those taki's dude." She says. Her hair was a dark blue and her clothes are extra baggy but manage to fall on her figure perfectly. Not to mention her eyes, those ocean blue eyes I can fall into.
"So you come into a coffee shop, not to get coffee?" I say with a smirk on my face crossing my arms. I here Oceania choking on her coffee In the background. The girl looks at me eyebrows raised with a hint of amusement in her face.

"Yes I also came in for the snack behind the counter" she looks at me with a smirk winking at me. At this point Oceania was practically dying, I should help her out.
"well played blue eyes" I stare at her, damn she's beautiful.

I go to the shelf and get her taki's then take a step to the till.
"That's one dollar" I say looking at her to find her already piercing me with her blue eyes.
She hands me the money and a bit of paper. I'm I bit confused as I look up at her.
"I'm having a party tonight, and I like your personality. Take my number I'll send you the details" blue eyes says to me I look at her and shrug.
"Meh, i will check my schedule." I say trying to act not bothered. All she does is let out a small laugh and walk out.

"What was that?" Oceania says to me, clearly still getting over her coughing fit.
"Dude, I have no fucking clue but I guess I'm going partying tonight. Want to join?" I say to Oceania knowing she doesn't turn down a party.
"Fuck yeah." Is all she says and we wait until 5 for the shop to close.

( hey it's me bois. Hope u enjoy the first short chapter)

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