Chapter 2

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*Louis' POV*

I arrive at school and it looks like the usual first day of school; freshmen getting lost and the upperclassmen picking on them. I make my way towards the entrance to the school and I'm already noticing girls staring at me and talking and giggling about me with their friends. I try to ignore the stares and one girl that's in my grade calls out, "Hey good-looking!" I reply, "Hello love!" The staring girls and calls don't really phase me because I'm not interested in girls.

I'm walking towards the office to pick up my schedule when a sudden shout from across the hall stops me "Louis! Is that you?" As I turn to see who it is someone comes crashing into me giving me a bear hug lifting me into the air and when he sets me down I notice it is Zayn. I've known him since the 9th grade and we've been mates ever since. "How are you Louis? I haven't seen you all summer!" He says in a happy tone. "I'm sorry I was in Paris with my mum." I reply happily.  "Alright then, let's catch up later. I've got to get to my first class!" He yells as he dashes through the halls trying to find his class.

I make it to the office without anymore interruptions. "Hello, May I help you?" The secretary says without looking up from her computer. "I'm here to pick up my schedule, Louis Tomlinson." I say. "Louis Tomlinson, hear you go my dear, have a great senior year." She hands me my schedule and I say thank you before leaving the office. I check my schedule and I have History, Literature, French, Lunch, Math and Science. I know I'm going to have French with kids from the other grades because it's not an academic class, Math, I'll probably have sophomores and juniors in my class if they're really smart. Every other class except lunch is gonna be seniors. I make my way towards History class and the halls are starting to clear up. I pull out my phone to use while I'm walking to class and all of a sudden someone comes running into me causing me to drop my phone. A gentle voice says, "I'm terribly sorry!" He says picking up my phone and handing it to me. Before I could say anything back he has already turned the corner. All I could notice before he left rushing to class was his curly, brown hair.

*Harry's POV*

I already knew I was running late to school. What was even worse is that I am new to the whole school. I made so many great friends my freshmen year and then my mum told me we we're moving because she found a better place to live in. I had no say in it and she told me I was transferring to a different school. Moving to a different school is a hard transition because your sophomore year you are familiar with the school and already made friends from freshmen year, but I'm starting my sophomore year as the new kid. I go to the office and get my schedule. I quickly leave the office forgetting to say thank you because the hallways were clearing up which meant that everyone was getting to class. I look at my schedule and keep looking around for my first class. I start jogging down the hall still looking at my schedule and I run into somebody. I exclaim, "I'm terribly sorry!"  I accidentally make him drop his phone on the floor and quickly pick it up and hand it to him. I notice he is a senior and don't want any trouble, so after I hand him his phone I leave and run through the hall still searching my for my class. I finally make it to my class before the tardy bell rings.

*Louis' POV*

I make it to History and notice that I Zayn is sitting there, calling me over to sit next to him. "This is going to be great having history class with you! We can catch up!" As I'm about to reply an old man with a furry moustache walks in. "Goodmorning class, my name is Mr. Smith." He continues to talk but Zayn starts to whisper something to me but I don't hear him because all I'm thinking about is the boy who ran into me earlier. He looked lost. I didn't quite catch his face but his curly brown hair already caught my attention. "How old is he? Does he have any friends? I wonder if he's g-" My thoughts were interrupted from the bell that indicates that class is over.

I don't really pay attention in Literature. The teacher was mainly talking about the supplies we needed for the year and what she expects out of us. Even though I am really popular, I don't talk to many people so I had no one to talk to in that class.

French class came and I was somewhat interested. I've always loved Paris, the city of love and the language French. I was right about having kids from other grades in my class. The bell rings and the others are starting to settle in their seats. As our teacher is about to introduce herself, a kid comes rushing in class. It was him. It was the kid who ran into me earlier. I didn't catch his face, I only caught his curly brown hair, but now I've seen his face and noticed his dimples and the cheesiest smile in the world. "Sorry that I am late." He says to the teacher. The teacher doesn't mind his tardiness considering it's the first day of school. She tells him,  "You may choose wherever you would like to sit." He looks around the class and decides to sit in the seat right next to mine. He sets his schedule down on his desk and I take a peak and see that he is in the 10th grade, so he's a sophomore. He seems like a nice kid, not to mention that he's cute. I turn towards him with a smile on my face and say "Hi, my name is Louis."

(I hoped you guys liked this chapter! Louis is the way he looks now, in the present. Harry is a sophomore so he is pictured the way looked in 2012.(Fetus Harry) so he is shorter than Louis. I apologize if this chapter isn't really long but it's longer than chapter 1. Follow me on Twitter and send me feedback! :) @lanaxstylinson)

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