Chapter 27

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*Louis' POV*

As soon as I got home a feeling of relief washed over me. I can't believe Lisette took it so well, she did figure out about my crush for Harry, I thought I was not that obvious, guess I was. I make heart eyes at him all the time I see him.

I shower and the water is so relaxing. When I'm done I just throw on some sweats and a t-shirt. My mum and all of the girls are already asleep.

When I'm lying down in bed, the same person is on my mind, Harry.

I told him to text me but he didn't so I figured that he was asleep. I have the urge to call him because I want to hear his sweet voice. It's 1 a.m and it is a Sunday night so I assume he's already asleep.

I pick up my phone and contemplate if I should call. I find his contact and dial it. It's ringing for a while and just when I'm about to lose hope, he answers.

"Hello?" I hear a croaky voiced Harry say from the other side of the line, wow was that attractive.

"Hi love," I say.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I miss you." I simply state.

I could hear him chuckle. "You just saw me a few hours ago."

"So, that doesn't alter the fact that I miss you."

"I miss you too Louis." Hearing him say that made me get butterflies in my stomach.

"So I broke up with Lisette, well she broke up with me."

"What do you mean?" I could hear the curiosity in his voice.

"She figured that I liked you because she would catch see me staring at you in lunch, and the way I looked at you."

"You're weird." He says.

"You're cute." I said while grinning.

"So are you."

His voice is so Croaky and raspy, I love it.

"You're sleepy voice is pretty hot. It kinda turns me on."

"Oh Louis, you're something else." He chuckles.

"You should get some sleep love." I say.

"How can I when you're keeping me up?"

"I just wanted to hear your voice." It's true, I did.

"Okay well goodnight dork." He says.


I'm don't hang up, I wait for him. We stay there in the silence for about 10 minutes until he says, "So, are you gonna hang up?"

"Nope." I say playfully.

"You should really get some sleep Lou."

"Goodnight Harold, I miss you."

"Miss you too." And with that he hung up.

I fell asleep with a huge grin on my face.

(Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter! I know it's a lot of dialogue and very cliché but it's still cute so I don't care! It's short but deal with it. Comment and vote! :))

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