The Only Part

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Finland wakes up at the usual time to cook breakfast for the rest of the Nordic's. It's rather early so nobody is up yet. In a set routine Finland walks from one side of the kitchen to another preparing said meal. As he walks over to the fridge, he checks his phone or more specifically the news to see what's going on. The frightening words display over the screen

Norwegian butter shortage

The small finish mans eyes widen in fear as his face pales. He immediately darts over to the fridge and swiftly opens it to see the lack of butter inside the cold metal container. In sudden panic, he seeks shelter under the table covering his head with his arms. Just then a small Icelandic man walks through the door-again in a routine like fashion. Breaking out his trance, Iceland looks at Finland with confusion as the dominant emotion in his face. All the other emotions were fear as nothing could shake the Fin up as much as this.

"F-Finland?" He says his mouth dry due to just waking up "The whole of Norway and this house is out of butter" Finland whispers his eyes in an emotionless straight stare. Iceland immediately slides under the table next to Finland fearing his life. Just then a scream could be heard from deep inside the house in the direction of Norway's room. A sudden icey wave floods through the house as thundering foot steps shake the ground indicating the Norwegian man was making his way to the kitchen. The duo underneath the table sat in deadly silence-not so much as daring to breath. The pounding feet finally make their way into the kitchen.

Heavy breathing could be heard as an aura that could make even the strongest of men quiver in fear- entered and stopped a slight bit away from the fridge. In one swift movement the fridge was violently swung open making it hit the work-top beside it leaving due to the pure force that it was handled with.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BUTTER" the angry man shouts so loud that it sakes the walls resulting in waking up a certain Dane and Swede. The two newly awoken men panicked in realisation about what had just been shouted.

The two jump out of bed like a shot not-so-prepared to deal with the furious man. Inside the kitchen, the Finnish mans motherly instincts kick in and out of panic he picks up the small Icelandic boy in his arms-with strength the white haired boy could only assume came from adrenaline. As the two bolt out the kitchen door the Puffin loving boy catches a terrifying glance at his older brothers face. The picture had ingrained it's way in to his head.

The pure fury that could make grown men cry in fear and sadness that was beyond the human mind. The emotions both terrified and made him sad as it broke his heart to see such pain in his brother. The Swede and the Dane were outside their rooms heading towards the kitchen as they had assumed the Finland and Iceland were there and near the burning wrath of an angry Norwegian. As they steadily made their way to the kitchen, a blur of blond and white passed their eyes. Seemingly shouting "Run!" Over and over again. The duo then realised that the blur was the duo they were supposed to be saving and they made a sharp turn to run next to them.

"WE'RE FUCKING SCREWED" the Dane shouts as he pushes the other three into a closet "SHHHHH he'll hear us" the Finnish man quietly scolds. The angry man then migrates to the hall near the closet from the kitchen. "GIVE ME MY BUTTER" the Norwegian man shouts too blinded by rage and sadness to see that nobody has his beloved butter. Suddenly the closet door was swung open and pulled off its hinges. The Swedish man looked in sadness as the door he had bought from his beloved IKEA dropped to the floor and was broken beyond repair. Although he then realised the matter at hand and concentrated his gaze in the angry man.

Suddenly a saving grace came, the doorbell. The front door was broken down revealing their saviours. England and Romania. With a shit ton of butter."We heard the news and brought as much butter as possible" England franticly said knowing full well there could have been a war because of the butter shortage. Norway, in an almost animalistic way ran over to the bags of butter and snatched them out of the non Nordic men's hands. He then ran upstairs with his four full bags of butter.

All of the Nordic men sigh in relief and set out to see the damage that had been caused. The two from the magic trio awkwardly stare at them and step over all of the splintered wood to make a break for the door-knowing what was coming next. Sweden kneeled down next to the fallen IKEA furniture that had been smashed into oblivion. Sadness takes over his body and thoughts as he picks up pieces of the fallen soldiers.'you were too young' he thinks as he holds the chopped wood to his heart

Finland walks in to the kitchen and looks at the mess. His coffee was cold and smashed on the ground, he then bends down and stares at his fallen coffee. He knew he could make more but he couldn't help but be sad and miss this particular cup of coffee he was planning on drinking. He then takes out one of his other cups and makes more coffee. Taking a sip he sighs, 'I'm sure the fallen cup would have been a great cup of coffee to start the morning with'

Iceland came too assess the damage done to his beloved fridge. His eyes cloud over in anger and sadness as they linger on the devastating sight ahead of him. The fridge was dented. His knees give way and he falls to the ground and sets his eyes on his once perfect fridge.'why did this have to happen to you' he thinks- depressed about his fallen soldier who he will forever miss- at least until they get a new one.

Denmark looks upon a sight he can never un-see. The sight of his Lego creations smashed on the floor. The house. The ship. The everything. All of the Lego structures he invested all his love and time into smashed never to be repaired again. If mind fills with depression and despair at his creations. No words could describe the horror that he felt. He picked one of the pieces up and hauled himself out to a place where he would die of pain if he lay down. A single tear rolled down his sorrow filled face as he held the piece to his chest.

Many things were lost that day but the Nordics and England and Romania were all safe until Norway realised half of the 'butter' was margarine

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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