Catching Up

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Through the warm fog in the bathroom, she looked at the doorbell notification on her phone before addressing her boyfriend in the shower

"Mi rey, it's your old work wife"

"Liv?" came the curious reply

"Yep, trench coat and badge. Want me to let her in?"

He paused before answering with a chuckle

"Yes, she will say she doesn't want coffee but she always does. Black."

Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she adjusted her tights under her dress and made her way to the door. The smooth ebony wood glided under her feet, creak free.

"Can I help you?" she called through the door, wanting to give the impression that she didn't already know who was there

"This is Lieutenant Olivia Benson. I wanted to talk to Rafael Barba, does he still live here?" Olivia called back, a concerned look covering her face

Opening the door, the young woman smiled and extended her hand

"Hi Lieutenant. I'm Sophie Kennon, come on in. Rafael is just finishing up in the bathroom"

Sophie stepped aside, looking up at Olivia. The differences in their height were hilariously obvious, her barely five foot body versus the nearly six foot lieutenant.

"I'll get you some coffee. Black?" Sophie offered, already in the kitchen and pouring out the moka pot full of Cuban coffee.

Olivia offered a small smile at the excessive amount of pleasantness and a thanks as she looked around at the apartment. Clean, modern, well kept but with cozy touches. Teal and yellow throw pillows in the corners on the grey sectional sofa. A Moroccan style white and black rug in the middle of the floor. White sheer curtains softly fluttering against the big open window.

Her gaze landed on the shelf full of pictures of the two of them. Selfies, professional shots, and numerous different vacation pictures. A small realization that she had missed so much of Rafael's life over the last year and a half crept in.

"Rafael has told me so much about you and the cases you two fought together. Kind of like super heroes" Sophie said proudly, setting down the coffee and a muffin in front of her.

"Oh we're not superheroes, we're just doing our jobs" Olivia replied humbly, taking a sip.

"Of course you are. Anyone who fights for justice is a super hero. Whether or not you think it" Sophie admonished assuredly, sitting down next to her, yellow belted dress pulling up over her knees.

"Well thank you...I guess you know all about me, tell me a little about yourself" Olivia smiled kindly, taking another sip of coffee.

Sophie returned the smile, knowing that she was digging for information. Rafael did the same thing. Seemingly innocuous questions to search for more.

"I'm a human rights advocate for refugees. I help them seek asylum or citizenship. I also offer counseling. We just got back from the border last week after six months" Sophie told her casually, spreading jelly on a muffin.

"We?" Olivia probed, eyes widened in curiosity

"Rafael and I. He was a courtroom lawyer for the unaccompanied children and helped the parents understand their rights when their kids got taken...I helped push through the paperwork and counseling for anyone who needed it...Which was pretty much everyone" Sophie laughed to cover up the seriousness of the situation.

Thousands of parents and children screaming and crying. Or worse, stone faced and silent. That was harder to stomach: a three year old refusing to talk because they were too traumatized.

Olivia's expression softened. She patted Sophie's shoulder and thanked her for their service. She could imagine Rafael standing up for those without a voice, he certainly knew how to use his. He had found himself a saint.

"Liv!" came an exclamation from down the hallway.

Rafael moved towards her in socked feet, navy bootcut jeans and a tucked in blue silk button down. His hair had become more salt and pepper, giving his appearance a distinguished glimmer. He still walked with that cocky strut.

Olivia stood up to receive a warm embrace, she hadn't seen Barba in over a year and had forgotten how much she appreciated his presence. Expensive cologne fresh like cedar and mountain air.

Sophie had left and returned to the table as Rafael sat down. She placed a small cup of coffee beside him as well as a a plate of fruit and toast. His face relaxed as he wrapped his arms around her waist easily, guiding her to his lap. Sophie laid her head on his shoulder, curls the color of truffles spilling over down his back.

Placing a sweet kiss on her forehead he joked

"Did you talk badly about me while I was gone?"

She laughed, tipping her face up to kiss his jaw as she replied

"Never. I've got to go but have a good catch up"

He kissed her fingertips when she stood up. Olivia looked down at her plate, feeling as if she was intruding on such a private moment. She had never seen Barba express much emotion, and this amount of tenderness was a complete one-eighty from his stone faced courtroom facade.

"Mi reina, nos vemos a las siete? Para el baile?" he questioned her, watching as she slung her messenger bag over her shoulder.

"Si claro. An honor to meet you Lieutenant" she told Olivia, offering her a hand.

Olivia shook it "You too Sophie"

After Sophie had walked out the door, Olivia zeroed in on Barba and his lovestruck expression.

"You're in deep aren't you?" she joked, unsure of where to go from there.

"Yeah...she makes my life better than I ever thought it could be" he answered with a grin, picking apart his toast.

"How long have you two been together?" she nosed around a little, wondering if they had been seeing each other while he was still at SVU.

"A year and a half. We met a few days after I left you guys. But you didn't come here to talk about Sophie. What's up?" he narrowed in quickly on her purpose for visiting.

"I want you to help Stone on a case. He's stalled out and he needs fresh eyes. Plus, you have an insight into the Latin community that he doesn't" she explained

"You want me to be your token Hispanic?" he responded sharply, cocking his eyebrow, hiding a grin.

"You're the only one I trust to help Stone. He's really spinning his wheels" she pushed, knowing which of his buttons to push like always.

He rolled his eyes before easily acquiescing

"I'll meet him at the bar for lunch, but I can't be too long. I'm asking Sophie to marry me tonight"

Olivia nearly choked on her coffee before finding the words to congratulate him. He thanked her, standing up and giving her one last hug before she had to return back to the squad.

She had some research to do on a certain woman.

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