Prologue Pt. 2: The Encounter

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Ten days and seven dates later, they were meeting for dinner at her new favorite Thai place. It was a new favorite, but seeing as she had eaten there four times in the month she had lived in the city, she thought it safe to declare.

Rafael was waiting for her out front in a long navy blue trench coat, his hair parted and whiskers growing in on his cheeks. He looked so austere and academic she wanted to scream. Everything about him compelled her: his smirk, his sarcasm, his intelligence, his humor, his sense of style, his gorgeous eyes...

"Preciosa" he greeted her with a grin, kissing her cheek tenderly

She allowed herself to be pulled into a hug, warm and tight against the wind. The use of such a sweetheart nickname made her heart ache in a new way. As much as she knew that taking their time before initiating sex was a good idea, she wanted nothing more than to strip him down and make herself acquainted with every inch of his body.

"You think a shit talking idealogue is precious?" she snarked, knowing that he did indeed think that

"Like looking in a mirror" he shot back, opening the door for her and resting his hand on the small of her back

"Oh miss Sophie! You brought a handsome date tonight, huh?" Pearl, the owner of the restaurant, called out as she waved them to sit wherever

"Like you need anyone to compliment your looks" Sophie nudged Rafael, and he rolled his eyes

"My ego knows no limit" he helped slip Sophie's coat off her shoulders, hanging it on the coat rack beside their booth

"You like someone around to stroke your ego?" she slid her foot up his leg, and he arched his eyebrow as he read the menu

"It's been a long time since someone stroked my ego" he snorted, winking at her

"Are you picky about who you allow within stroking distance?" she sipped some water that Pearl had brought over, ignoring the older lady's very obvious eavesdropping

"Extremely. That, and my work didn't allow much time for play" he looked up at her, bright green eyes gleaming

"That's a shame" she stared at him, daring him to break eye contact first

"What about your ego? Get stroked often?" he reached across the table and held her hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss

She laughed, more of a snort. She didn't have hookups, that would have been easier. She was surly, and most men didn't like that. She dated a woman for a few months while working in Russia, but the commitment to cross country romance wasn't something she was willing to pursue. God, that had been two years ago.

"No, not really. I'm not an easy person to get along with. What with my work and general know it all attitude" she said honestly, feeling herself start to grin as Rafael cackled, she continued

"I had a few month long semi-relationship with a woman named Karolina, when I was on assignment in Russia. But that was two years ago now. Before that, a college boyfriend that couldn't find literally anything and left me perpetually pissed off"

He smirked, murmuring in appreciation as he tasted his Thai iced tea

"Sounds about as promising as my past. A few hookups, a sort of relationship with a woman who I thought was the love of my life. Turns out, the love of her life was my best friend"

"Damn, that's rough. I'm sorry" she rubbed his fingers, wondering how they would feel touching the inside of her thigh, realizing that she had never truly been turned on in this way by anyone before. They connected on every level, and his wit and touch drove her wild.

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