Trait Combinations

42 0 0

a - Exertion

b - Suggestion

c - Meaning

d - Reaction

1. a Exertion - Introverted or Extraverted

2. b Suggestion - iNtuiting or Sensing

3. c Meaning - Thinking or Feeling

4. d Reaction - Judger or Perceiver

5. ab Nature - Observer or Associater

6. ac Character - Reformer or Administrator

7. bd Bearing - Resolute or Reasonable

8. cd Outlook - Serious or Curious

9. ad Temperament - Inventor or Discoverer

10. bc Manner - Classicist or Progressive

11. abc Field - Scholar or Visionary

12. bcd Role - Axiomatic or Contextual

13. abd Inference - Deductive or Inductive

14. acd Justification - Understanding or Knowing

15. abcd Mentality - Patterned or Conceptual

*The opposite Trait is usually expressed only in order to correct something. The Traits were inspired by Grigory Reinin's work in Socionics. Though I do not use the same language as him to describe the Traits, I believe that much of our work is similar - for instance, his "Asking" dichotomy refers to conditional dependency, as does my Contextual Trait, and it is associated with the same Types in both Socionics and Cognietrics. Fewer determining letters indicates that the Trait is more directly distinguished behaviorally. The Traits form an Abelian group if opposing Traits are included, with respect to each other and an identity element. Each Type shares exactly 7/15 Traits with any other Type (except, of course, the same Type). I will demonstrate that if a Type is changed, then the number of Traits that change with it is always 8, and that it doesn't matter how many of the Preferences are changed. If an even number of determining letters is changed, then the determined Trait stays the same, but if an odd number is changed, then the determined Trait changes as well. Because of the symmetry existing among the Preferences in determining the different Traits (which represent every combination of Preferences), the number of Traits that change for a change in one determining letter still holds if another determining letter is changed instead.

# changing letters: unchanging traits / changing traits

a: b c d bc bd cd bcd / a ab ac ad abc abd acd abcd

ab: c d ab cd abc abd abcd / a b ac ad bc bd acd bcd

abc: d ab ac bc abd acd bcd / a b c ad bd cd abc abcd

abcd: ab ac ad bc bd cd abcd / a b c d abc abd acd bcd

Here is yet another way to determine Cognietrics Types using Trait Determination Triads (TDTs), since any two Traits imply a third:

Patterned, iNtuiting, Understanding - this Type extrapolates data to untested regions.


Patterned, Sensing, Knowing - this Type picks up on things very easily.


Conceptual, iNtuiting, Knowing - this Type can identify potential effects using a model.


Conceptual, Sensing, Understanding - this Type can confirm utility in different situations.

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