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I was about to explain everything to Nayeon but someone shouted my name.


Wait, I know that voice. That's..

"Chae, hey" I turned around to be met with a tight hug. Since Chaeyoung's short, she looked up to me with her dimpled smile.

"You didn't wait for me Tzuyu, I thought we would go to school together?" Chaeyoung said, breaking our hug and pouted.

I was about to answer her again when someone coughed. Damn, what's with people cutting me off?!

Oh, it's Sana who coughed. Right, I forgot about them, yikes!

"So, who's this girl Tzuyu?" Sana asked with a fake smile on her face and a 'you got a lot of explaining to do' look.

I tried to masked my nervousness with a smile. "This is-" DAMN!

"Hi I'm Chaeyoung, this yoda's ride or die hoe. In short like I am, I'm her bestfriend. Nice to meet all three of you!" Chaeyoung said gleefully and shook Nayeon, Sana and Mina's hands. "And as much as I want to scold Tzuyu for not waiting for me, my girlfriend Dahyun needs me so bye!" Chaeyoung kissed my cheek and left to find her girlfriend.

[Meanwhile, on Sana, Mina and Nayeon's minds:


"Thank god, that Chaeyoung girl has a girlfriend already"


I sat back on my chair and continued to eat like nothing happened. "Are you guys gonna join me in eating or not?" I asked the three girls who are staring at me.

"Sure" Mina said and sat on the chair on my left.

"I'LL SEAT NEXT TO YOU CHEWY!" Sana shouted and almost pushed Nayeon on the floor but Nayeon kept her balance "NOT IF I GOT THERE FIRST!" And they continued to bicker with each other.

I mentally face palmed myself.

Sigh. What am I gonna do with these girls?

I excused myself from the trio and went to the bathroom to clean myself.

"Tzuyu, let me wash your hands for you" but of course, not without Sana following me.

"Sana, I can do it myself" I refused politely and continued to wash my hands. After I was done, I saw Sana just standing there.

And staring at me..lovingly? I don't know but she has that look on her eyes that says she is.

"Let's go now, they're waiting for us" I grabbed Sana's hand and saw her blush at the contact. "O-okay Tzuyu-ah"

Once we came back, I saw both Mina and Nayeon glaring at us. Well, more like glaring at me and Sana's entwined hands. I looked at Sana and saw her glaring back at her friends, sticking her tongue out at them too.

I sat on my seat once more, letting go of Sana's hand in the process. I heard her sigh in disappointment but I paid it no mind.

"Tzuyu-ah~ what subject is your next period? Maybe I could accompany you there" Nayeon, who by the way got stuck sitting in front of me, reached and grabbed my hand while smiling like she's entranced by me.

I looked at Nayeon's very sneaky hands then back to her ethereal smiling face again. I swear I was hypnotized by her beautiful face when someone pinched my side.

"OUCH!" I looked between Sana and Mina, hoping to find who the culprit was and when I maintained eye contact with Mina, she looked away and blushed.

"Mina, was it you who pinched me?" I asked Mina calmly.

"Y-yes.. I'm sorry, you were just spacing out and I didn't know what to do so I pinched you! Please forgive me Tzuyu-ah!" Mina explained so fast that I had to replay what she said again in my head. When I finally understand all of what she said, I smiled at her and pat her head.

"It's okay, I tend to space out a lot so thank you for pinching me" she faced me again while blushing and giggling shyly. I heard Nayeon slamming her hands on the table very loudly.

"Ehem Tzuyu, I asked what is your next period not plead for you to flirt with Mina" Nayeon said while still smiling but her voice is very calm with a bit of irritation in it (but of course, I didn't notice it.)

"Oh right! Calculus is my next period, I think Sana is my classmate there" I saw Nayeon's smile drop, Mina's giggle fade away to be replaced with a heavy sigh and Sana's face full of enthusiasm.

"THAT'S GREAT! LET'S GO TZUYU, YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO BE LATE RIGHT? BYE GUYS, SEE YOU TWO LATER!" Sana waved goodbye to Nayeon and Mina excitedly then clung unto my arm once I stood up from my seat. I smiled at the two and bid them a goodbye properly.

"I'm probably gonna be stuck with Sana since I share three subjects with her and then one with the three of you. I'll see you two after school okay?" Nayeon and Mina nodded at me then they both walked away. Me and Sana was about turn around to walk to our class when two out of the three goddesses ran to approach me, both of them leaving a kiss on my cheek at the same time then running away while giggling madly.

Now I'm standing here, stiff as a rock while cupping both of my cheeks then whispering to myself "W-what was that.." I shook my head and slowly removed my hands from my cheeks. Only then I noticed Sana when I looked to my side to see she's looking at me too with her eyes full of jealousy.

"Sana, are you-" I was cut by her, doing what Mina and Nayeon did earlier which was kissing both of my cheeks so I cupped both of my cheeks again and become stiff as a rock.

"I want to kiss you too so I did that" Sana giggled and tugged at my shirt to cut me off of my thoughts. "C'mon hubby, we're gonna be late~" She reached for my hand and let her drag me, stiffly doing it.

Just what I've gotten myself into?

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