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I decided to use my bike for traveling to my new school. Actually, I'm really nervous since this is my first day. Nervous because of meeting new people and I'm not really that type of person who is open to socializing. I have plenty of friends back at my old school but I mostly like to be alone.

As I was nearing the school gates, I saw a girl walking in front of me and If I hadn't used my brakes, I would probably hit her with my bike. I must've pressed the brakes too hard which caused me to be thrown out of my bike.

"Ouch.." I said while rubbing both of my elbows. Good thing I'm wearing a helmet so my head really didn't had any damage.

"OH MY GOSH, I'M SO SORRY. ARE YOU OKAY?" I looked up to see a girl rushing beside me. "Do you want me to take you to the clinic?" I was speechless by her beauty and kept staring at her. When I didn't answer her, she snapped her fingers in front of my face and that's when I also snapped out of trance. "Hey, there's another time for that staring. First, let's get you to the clinic, okay?" She laughed at me and I blushed, embarrassed by my actions. "N-no, it's okay. I'm fine and I don't really have any wounds. Scratches maybe but overall, I'm fine" she nodded and helped me get up.

I dusted off my jeans from all the dust and rode my bike again to park it somewhere. "I'm so sorry again for what I did. I shouldn't have used earphones when walking because you know, it makes me unaware of my surroundings" she answered while fiddling with her fingers. "No problem but you should be careful next time. I wouldn't want you involving in some other accidents, okay?" she nodded shyly and held out her hand. "I'm Myoui Mina, nice to meet you" I held out my hand too and shook hers. "Chou Tzuyu, nice to meet you too" she showed me a gummy smile and I can't help but to smile back too. "I guess I'll see you when I see you?" she smiled even wider and nodded. "Bye Tzuyu, see ya!" she turned and walked away from me but not without hugging me and saying "I'm so sorry again for getting you in trouble a while ago. I hope you can forgive me with this" she surprised with a kiss on the cheek and ran away from me after. I was left there, sporting a red face and a dropped jaw.

I wonder when I will see her again.

"Hi! My name's Chou Tzuyu and I came from Taiwan. Please take care of me" I smiled and bowed after introducing myself in front.

"Thank you Miss Tzuyu. Where do you prefer to seat?" I looked around and searched for an empty seat when I noticed someone waving her hands frantically, signalling me to notice her and seat to the chair she's pointing at.

"I guess I'll seat there Ma'am" I pointed at that girl's direction. I could've sworn that I heard her squeal in excitement and I just giggled at her actions.

As soon as I sat down, a hand was stretched in front of me. "Hi I'm Minatozaki Sana, your future wife!" I awkwardly shook her hand and she grasp it firmly, never letting my hand go. When she finally let go (for about 2 minutes), she settled in her seat but not without staring at my side profile and sighing dreamily (every 10 seconds).

"Uh m-miss Minatozaki, don't you need to pay attention to the teacher?" I said quietly, not facing her.

"Oh, you like to call me miss Minatozaki? I like that, maybe we can use that pet name in our "fun times". And besides, I like to pay attention to you." she winked at me. EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T SAW IT, I FELT IT! so I blushed.

And her flirting continued until the end of class. I was amused that she didn't get caught by our teacher.

When I noticed that she was busy packing her stuffs, I grabbed my bag and quickly dashed out of the classroom.

"Tzuyu! You didn't wait for your wife!" I heard her shout from the classroom as I sighed in relief cause I finally can move in peace.

I continued to walk to my next class while humming the song I heard on the radio this morning. I also think I'm lost.

"Hey you!" someone shouted behind me but I paid no mind since maybe, she wasn't referring to me so I continued walking.

"Where do you think you are going thief?!" I turned around and got shocked because 1.) by the goddess in front of me and 2.) we are the only ones here and that means she really is referring to me.

"E-excuse me miss but, why am I thief? I haven't stolen anything from you" I said while scratching my head, confused at her accusing me at being a thief.

"You're a thief because you have stolen my heart" she walked towards me until she was standing right in front of me. She hugged me suddenly which caused us to fall to the ground. So basically, she's now on top of me.


She giggled at my red face and helped me up.

"So, what's your name cutie?" she asked as we were now walking to the cafeteria. Yeah, I decided to skip my second class since it's almost time anyways...WHAT? DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE I'VE DONE SOMETHING WRONG!

"M-my name i-is Chou Tzuyu" I answered. She muttered something that I couldn't quite heard, to herself.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" I asked her but she only just smiled at me.

"I said that your surname would fit me in the future" she continued to smile after she said that.

"I didn't quite catch your name"

"Oh, I'm Im Nayeon and soon to be Mrs. Chou"

I blushed for the umpteenth time today but she just laughed softly and kissed my cheek, mumbling something that sounded like 'cute'. What's up with beautiful girls kissing me always and being bold today?

"Do you want to have lunch with me, Tzuyu-ah?" I said yes because how can I say no to a beauty like her?

"Great, let's go hubby!" That word had triggered me since Sana had said that earlier.

Nayeon practically dragged me to the cafeteria since she's holding onto my hand firmly. She only let go when she ordered for us but as soon as she got her order, she clung to me again. I don't know how she carried her food tray while clinging to me.

We found an empty table and sat there. Nayeon informed me that her other friends will be joining us soon so in the meantime, she fed me her food even though I have my own.



I was shocked to hear two familiar voices so I stood up and saw Sana and Mina approaching me and Nayeon's table.

"Eh, How do you know my friends Tzuyu? And what did Sana just called you?" Nayeon asked me as she stood up with both of her hands now on her waist.


Oh fuck me.

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