Chapter 4: The Decision

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"Ahkmenrah " King Merenkahre announced proudly. Ahkmenrah and I looked at each other with wide smiles on our faces. He put his hands on my waist and spun me around in excitement. "Why does he get to marry her?! It should be me that marries the princess! I am the eldest and next in line for the throne! You always give him the best of everything! " Kahmunrah growled in anger. "Enough Kahmunrah!" Merenkahre replied angrily to him as he slammed the bottom of his staff against the ground hoping Kahmunrah would not speak again. "Ahkmenrah is to marry the princess because you are clearly not ready to become pharaoh!" Merenkahre said as he scolded Kahmunrah for his behavior. Kahmunrah then crossed his arms and let out another angry growl. "He ALWAYS gets the best of everything! It's always Ahkmenrah this and Ahkmenrah that! Ahkmenrah the favorite son!" he yelled angrily as he stormed out of the room and down the hall. "Oh Ahkmenrah our son, we are so happy to see you be married to such a lovely woman like her!" his mother said lovingly as she stroked his cheek. "I feel truly blessed to be able to marry such a kind and lovely woman as herself" Ahkmenrah said as he took my hand and we smiled at each other. "Daughter, you are happy about this?" My father asked me with a puzzled look on his face. "Why just yesterday you were reluctant to arrive here and absolutely dreading even the idea of an arranged marriage. And now look at you!" My mother beamed delightly. "Well, I have had a change of heart!" I replied to my mother as I could not stop grinning from ear to ear as Ahkmenrah held my hand and squeezed it lightly.

As I was walking down the hall hand in hand with Ahkmenrah, we passed what will soon be my old room. "We'll fix this problem and make MY.. er I mean OUR dreams come true!" I heard a voice say from my old room. I paused for a moment and let go of Ahkmenrah's hand as he continued to walk without me. I hid behind the nearby marble column that was just outside of the room and leaned in ever so slightly just so that I could hear what was being said. I heard the sound of a familiar laugh. "It can be so hard to be so perfect and so beautiful!" the voice said in a mocking tone. "That crown suits you" I heard another voice say. "Sharifa? And Kahmunrah?" I asked myself. "No. It couldn't be" I said to myself quietly as I leaned in a little further. Hoping to get a glimpse of who was in my room, I leaned in a little further but all I could see was the bedpost and another column. "Are you coming my love?" I heard my beloved Ahkmenrah call to me as I saw him walking towards me. I started to walk away from the door hoping that whoever was in my room would not see me. "Yes. Of course!" I replied to him. I took his hand that was reached out for mine. "Good." He said with a smile. "We have much to discuss in regards to our wedding and our future kingdom." He said as he kissed my hand. We both smiled at each other and we made our way towards the meeting hall where both of our parents were waiting for us. As we were walking down the next hall, we heard a voice call to Ahkmenrah. Suddenly, a figure appeared from around the corner, calling Ahkmenrah many nicknames. From the sound of its voice, I could presume that it was a male. My dearest Ahkmenrah slightly cringed as the figure came closer to us. "Who is that darling?" I asked him. "No one my love. Let us continue." He said abruptly. "Come now my darling. We must get going, there is much to discuss." he urged me as he tugged my hand gently and he lead me elsewhere. "Ahkie bear! Why are you running?!" we heard the unknown male calling after us. Eventually, the male caught up to us and he put a hand on Ahkmenrah's shoulder. "Woah Ahkie! Who is this?" he asked curiously as he put his arm around Ahkmenrah's shoulders. Ahkmenrah sighed heavily as he removed the male's arm from his shoulders. "Craig" He said with a groan. "This is Princess Irissia of the North" He said as he motioned to me with his free hand. "Charmed" I said as I took my hand out of Ahkmenrah's and held it out to him. "She is my betrothed" He added sharply as he grabbed my hand and put it in his.

"Iris, this is my friend, Craig" Ahkmenrah explained. "I'm not just his friend, I'm his best friend!" Craig said boastfully as he pulled Ahkmenrah away from me and under his arm in a headlock and his crown was knocked off his head. "Let me go Craig!" Ahkmenrah yelled irritatedly as he got out of Craig's headlock. He then picked up his crown from the where it was on the floor and put it back onto his head with a huff. "Woah. Take it easy Ahkie. I was just messing around with ya. No need to get angry" Craig said with his hands up defensively as he slowly backed up and away from a clearly furious Ahkmenrah. "I know when I am not wanted. I can take a hint. I'll see you around Ahkmenrah" Craig said. He then gave us a small wave before he turned around and left. "Ahkmenrah my darling, please calm yourself. I am sure that Craig didn't mean any harm" I said, trying to calm him down as I touched his arm. "My apologies my dearest heart. I am just tired of his childish behavior" Ahkmenrah explained apologetically. "Don't say that to me. Say it to him" I said as I pointed to Craig as he was walking away. Ahkmenrah smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Craig! Wait!" Ahkmenrah yelled down the hall at him. "Craig!" He yelled again. Craig turned around and walked towards Ahkmenrah. "Craig listen. I'm sorry for yelling at you" Ahkmenrah said to him. Before he could speak another word, Craig wrapped his arms around him and pulled him in for a big hug. "How could I ever stay mad at you Ahkie pooh?! But, if you wanna make it up to me, then you could let me wear that fancy hat of yours!" Craig said as Ahkmenrah hugged him back. I smiled happily at the two and I let out a small laugh as Craig was playing with Ahkmenrah's shoulder cape and trying to get his crown off of his head. "Here is an idea! How about a tour of the palace after Ahkmenrah and I are finished in our meeting?" I said as Craig let go of Ahkmenrah. "What a great idea!" Craig said as he took my hand and pulled me towards the courtyard. "Craig! Craig!" Ahkmenrah yelled as he chased after us. After a while of Craig pulling me and Ahkmenrah yelling at him to stop and slow down while chasing after us, Ahkmenrah finally caught up to us. "She said after our meeting Craig" Ahkmenrah said as he put his hand on my shoulder while trying to catch his breath. After he caught his breath and was able to breathe normally again. After bidding Craig farewell, we made our way to the meeting with our parents.

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