Chapter 1: The News

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From what I could tell, it was going to be a beautiful morning in Egypt. The sun was rising and as I started to slowly wake up, I heard a group of figures come walking into my currently dark room. One of the figures went to the window and opened the curtains, letting in the light from the morning sunrise as it shone bright in my room. While one of the figures gathered my clothes for the day, another prepared the water for my morning bath, and the others fetched my jewelry from the boxes and started to polish them, while the last one went to my bed and gently put a hand on my head.

"Your highness" I heard a sweet voice whisper into my ear. "Your highness" I heard the voice say to me again but this time a bit louder. I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep. "Your highness!" I heard the voice yell louder as the covers got yanked off of me. "What?" I replied in a groggy voice. "Good morning your highness. It is time to get up now. We must get you ready for the day" I heard the voice say. I felt hands go under my arms, lift me up, and forcing me to stand. I opened my eyes and saw the curtains being drawn open "Good morning Anukta" I said to her as she was making my bed. "Rahkorta. Hartatef" I said with a nod to the two men holding me up. "You are dismissed now. Go back to your duties" Anukta said to the guards who were still holding me up.

After being escorted to my private bath, I was then undressed and forced into the bath. "You have a very busy day today your highness" Anukta said as the other servants washed, lathered and rinsed my hair and body. After they were finished drying me off and brushing my long black hair, they rubbed fine scented oils on my body and started to dress me. "You look lovely as always your highness" Anukta said to me as she put my gold necklace on over my long, white tunic while everyone else put on my other jewelry (such as earrings, bracelets, wrist cuffs, bracelets, armbands, rings, ect). "Come your highness. Sit" Anukta said to me as I sat down. She begun to brush and style my hair while another servant but down the mannequin head with my headpiece crown on it. "Anything yet?" I asked her hoping for some good news as she pulled tightly on my hair. "Nothing yet your highness. You must be patient. You replied to his letter yesterday morning" She reminded me as she put my headpiece on while another servant put my golden sandals on me. "There we are" she said as she helped me stand up and begun to make some final adjustments.

After getting my makeup on, Anukta, as well as the other servants and guards escorted me to the "audience chamber" as my father calls it. "Ahh. Welcome young princess" Markata, the royal advisor called to me as I entered the chamber to take my place upon my parents and older brothers. "Good morning all." I said as I bowed down to the floor to courtesy. "Father. Mother" I said as I remained in the position and bowed my head at them. "Ahem" I heard someone say as they cleared their throat. I looked over to see my brothers sitting on their thrones. "Brothers" I said as I stood up. I then began to walk over to my seat. "Horusaha, Napophsis, Anhuris" I said as I passed my 3 older brothers. After I sat down, the daily meetings begun. As the guests entered the room, they begun to prostrate themselves in front of us. One by one, they entered and begun to bow down to us. There were the ambassadors who were offering us tributes from foreign countries and then the generals were talking military matters with my father and brothers. After everyone left after taking their turn, my father stood up and ordered the guards and servants to get everything ready for what was next. After everyone lined up, my mother stood up and started walking out with my father. Next, my brothers, then me. All accompanied by guards. We walked out of the chamber and to the temple to pay tribute to the chief god, Amen-Re. Accompanied by the high priest, we walked through the great temple to the sanctuary. There was a cool breeze blowing through the open windows. I was enjoying the cool breeze and the thick smell of the incense. Once we were inside, we approached the statue of Amen-Re. My father asked the god some questions and received answers from the high priest. After the questions were over, my father was presented with a large bull. The high priest leads us in prayers and then after prayers, the sacred butcher walked in and slit the bull's throat as a sacrifice to the gods. Naturally, kept my eyes shut as I prayed for the bull's safe travels to the afterlife.

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