Chap 1 "Typical."

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Charlie's POV

"Charlie! Wake up now! Come on! We gotta go!"


"To your grandma's! Me and your dad are working late tonight so you will be there after school we are dropping your stuff off there first then I will drop you off at school. Okay? Good now get in the car!" She said that while texting or replying emails on her phone. Didn't look up at me once. Not even a good morning or a how did you sleep. Nothing. Well that's my mother for ya! "Where's dad?" I said while putting my shoes on. "He's already at work like I should be right now! Hurry up!" Typical.

Just like every moring. My parents both work at this high end office place filled with like high end people. Something like that. To be honest I don't know what they really do. I barely ever see them or even talk to them for that matter. But they get paid big bucks and I do live in like that rich part of town. You know where like all the nice BIG houses are and everything looks all expensive. Yeup that's where I'm located.

We were pulling into my grandma's drive way. I grabbed my things and said 'be right back' to my mom. But of course she didn't say anything 'cause she's too busy with that stupid bluetooth in her ear and in her phone. My parents are like glued to their phones. It's not healthy! I would be like in the next room and they will litterally text me when dinner is ready witch usually something that came from a bix that you have to re-heat.

But thanks to my grandma and all the time that I spend at her house, she's taught me how to cook and all that. So I am very greatful for that!

I walk up to the front door and turn around to look at the drive way. She's gone. Greeeeat. She was supposed to drive me to school once I dropped my stuff off. But no! She's too wrapped up in her fucking work to ven remember!

"Charlie! Hi! Come one in!" "Hi grandma!" I loved my grandma's house it always smelt of fresh cookies. I put my bag down and my grandma looked at me weird "Aren't you suppsed to be at school by now?"

"Yeah but my mom left without me so...yeah"

"Well your not skipping school! So get your backpack and I'll drive you!"

"Thanks grandma! You're the best!" I got in my grandma's car and we drove off to school. I finally got there in just 5 minutes before the bell goes for 1st period. I went to my locker and dashed to my gr.10 math class. Woohoo math! Note the sarcasm there.

I walked in and everybody was working on the note on the board. I walked to my seat at the back and copied the note.


I went to my locker and got my english book out. Romeo and Juliet. Gotta love good old shakespeare. And I mean it when I say 'OLD' like this book must be like what 100 years old? O well. If it's how I'm gonna pass this class, then you gotta do what you gotta do.

After english is lunch. Suprisingly the subject I dreaded the most. I went to my locker to put my books away and grab my lunch. As I was standing there, some barbie chick was walking by, holding up a mirror and putting on lipstick. Hope she sees where she's go-"Hey! Watch where your going!" I said but clearly I wasn't heard becaue she just bent down to pick up her lipstick, fixed her hair, then continued walking like she just dropped her lipstick for no reason.

Well. I walked into to the caff sat at and empty table. 2 minutes later a group of 3 girls walked in and scanned the caff for a seat. The caff was full but my table was free. "There's no where to sit everything's taken!" The blonde one said "Wait...there's a spot right there. A brunette said. They walked closer to my table and I thought that they were gonna sit here, but they just walked right past and squished themselves in a tiny space on a bench that would only fit like one person. Seriously!?

After lunch was Science. Which wasn't that bad we just watched documentries or did notes. When Science was over I had gym. Gym was the only place where people did act like I was there. Only becaue I'm very athletic and good at sport and stuff. I'm always the winning team. Once gym's done and since it's at last period I don't even bother changing I just go on the bus like I am.

SO that's what happens almost everyday at for me. You get used to it but still I wish I did have aleats like one friend.

When got to my grandma's house I plopped myself at the kitchen chair and grabbed a cookie that she keeps on the counter. "So, how was school sweetie?"


"O okay then. You hungry? I can make chicken if you like?"

"Sure." I walked upstairs and went on twitter and all that. Had dinner, then went to bed. I was kinda happy though because today is Friday so tomorrow I can just chill at home and sleep in!


Hey! I started two books this one and I have a 5SOS imagines one!

Could you please check it out!

It would mean a lot!

Thanks hope you enjoyed and I can't wait for the rest of this book!

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