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     MY first day at Domino High had been a flurry of events, one roller coaster after the other, a wild ride full of excitement. Duels were held so frequently that I had seized to see the point of them after my first two games. I, of course, only watched from the sidelines but It became very apparent that this all served no purpose what so ever and I instantly wanted out. Oddly enough, the King of Games himself had been the easiest way out and a stern talking from Atem had instantly been enough to send my pursuers running for the hills.

Now, only a short year later, I had grown completely accustomed to the bizarre life style of these high school students and life was easy. My schedule never changed, I stayed friends with the same people, watched duels on an almost regular basis and nothing seemed to ever change, or wander too far out of place and I liked it that way. No change meant no surprises and that resulted in nothing bad ever happening.

When I had first transferred here from a neighbouring high school, which had shut down due to unreliable plumbing, I'd never pictured myself as someone who would gain a tightly knit group of friends. To me, that was something that only happened in cliche romance novels, so imagine my surprise when I was suddenly scouted out by Atem's infamous group. I'm proud to say that to this day I had absolutely regrets about my life choices.

So here I was now, huddled beneath my umbrella, one hand gripping the rubbery handle, the other clutching my constantly present coffee mug. My eyes were squinted, trying to make out the blurry path before me, I had been in a hurry this morning and had completely forgotten about the glasses that I'd been using since 9th grade. I knew it was my own fault that it'd turned out like this, being sleep deprived due to anime and all, but I couldn't do anything about it. Dad was at work and mom wasn't generous enough to do something for me. So I would simply have to endure a lack of vision for the first day of 11th grade.

The rain came pelting down, seeping through the thin material of my ankle boots and soaking my socks in mere seconds. My jacket did little to ward off the crisp September air and the Domino High uniform exposed too much leg skin, causing constant pricks of cold. Needless to say I was going to die of hypothermia before I even reached school.

Oh joy.

A car to my right swerved dangerously close to the curb, tires meeting a large puddle and almost coating me in a layer of muddy rain water. I mentally cursed the red Prius with narrowed eyes as I continued to make my way down the crumbling side walk, listening to the even pitter patter of small raindrops and rhythmic clack of my heels against the side walk. My nose was beginning to grow slightly runny due to the cold and attempting to swipe at it with the back of my busy hand was a pain in the ass. The thermos I was clutching wasn't completely dense and reliable, creating an element of danger to this seemingly simple task. 

I hopped somewhat daintily over a puddle, managing to actually stay upright, and let out a sigh of relief when I could finally make out the disoriented blur of Domino High in the distance. Students were bustling into the building, shrieks being heard from prissy girls and booming laughter from the immature boys. I picked up my stride and started half heartedly jogging towards the double door entrance, subtly ignoring the principles 'welcome back' and hopping up the stairs, finally breaking into a rain free area.

I exhaled in relief and closed my umbrella, trying not to let the soaking thing touch any part of my body as I made my way over to locker 256, where I proceeded by hastily tossing in everything I currently had, except my precious coffee thermos mind you, and brushing my hands dismissively, as if I had just finished a difficult chore.

"Arisu!" A High, feminine voice shrieked, hands wildly waving in the air, desperate for my attention. She had her head tilted back at an angle, trying to see over the flood of students, her boxy hair cut all over the place. A dangerously wide smile was curled onto her lips and I was practically blinded at how white her teeth had apparently become over the summer.

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