Fast forward: Me and my whore-shit mom are pulling into the driveway of my new families house. I haven't spoken a word to her since we left the house, nor do I wish to.
"Out." She ordered. "Don't call me." I hesitantly opened the car door. "Out!" she kicked me in the ass and I fell to the ground.
"Bitch!" I squealed like a kitten. For I had nothing else to do that would make an impact. "Mom? Mom!" I pleaded she wouldn't go. Although I hated her I didn't want her to go. She was my mom, after all. "No, no, no! Mom! No!" I screamed at her as she pulled out and sped off into the distance. Dust trailed her tires. I gazed longingly at her license plate until I could no longer make out the clashing numbers and letters of the "Live Free or Die" logo with the plate reading "01-PZT38"
My eyes welled with tears, I held back my pain and frustration. "I have a new family now." I thought. "I can't cry first day in my new home." I sighed, stood up, dusted myself off, and slowly walked toward the huge, two story house. The house was white, with a stone walk way leading up to the front door. "Fancy." I thought, intimidated. I step up to the front door and look around. The bright sun was fading. The once pale blue sky was now being painted all variations of pink and blue. What a beautiful sight. "This is my new home now."