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(A/N: B/T= band t-shirt, Y/N= Your name, P/H= Pesterchum Handle, H/L= Hair Length H/C= Hair Color))

It starts screaming. You try to ignore it but it just won't shut up, making constant noises. You growl at it, but that doesn't help. Even glaring does nothing. So you sit up and press a button, turning your stupid alarm clock off.

"Great. Juuust Great."

You have dreaded this day for the last week, or so. It's your first day of school, and you hate it. BLUHH!! You get up slowly, crawling on your floor to your dresser. You grab some random stuff and end up with a (B/T) shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. You slowly stand up and walk to your bathroom, take a quick shower and dry off, putting on your clothes and wrapping a towel around your neck. You hate school. The people, teachers, work and pretty much everything else. All your 'friends' ignore you and only use you for birthday money and such. You constantly tell yourself 'I'll stand up today!' but never do. You hear your phone alert, saying one of your friends is Trolling you. You sigh and pick it up.

arsenicCatnip [AC] began trolling (P/H)

AC: :33 < Good morning (Y/N)! How are you doing on this purrfect day!

(P/H): Not so purrfect Nepeta. School starts today, and you know how I feel about school...

AC: :33 < Oh I'm pawsitive you'll be just fine, you'll s33! Also, do you rememfur what I told you about us starting school now?

(P/H): Yeah?

AC: :33 < We are going to some school called Sburb High.

You stare at the screen blankly for a

second or so. Sburb High.... Sburb High.... OH MY GOG THAT'S WERE YOU ATTEND. ((Ha silly reader forgetting your own school))

(P/H):dhhdhdhxkodhdbskchdhkdjxls!!!! H-how?

AC: :33 < I'm vurry sorry right meow, but I have to go, Equius is being purrsistent on wearing a tie, and he n33ds some help. Bye! ^w^

arsenicCatnip [AC] ceased trolling (P/H)

You check the time your clock reads 6:34. Oh great I'll be late to school on the first day! You quickly brush your teeth, comb your (H/L) (H/C) hair, apply as much make up as you want, grab your things, and leave the house.

With a loaf of bread in your mouth, you make it to the bus stop at 6:58, just as the bus is about to leave. You frantically wave your arms to catch the attention of the driver, and them quickly hop up the stairs on the bus. You see some glares, looks of disgust, and even a growl as you try to sit next to people and eventually end up sitting next to some kid who you don't even know. You have always say next to him, yet you don't even know his name. The one time he attempted to introduce himself, you were extremely ticked and you threatened to shove a knife down his throat if he ever talked to you again. You feel kind of bad about it, and open your mouth to let out an apology when suddenly a wild fist appears and decides to take refuge on your left cheek. Your eyes widen and against your will a tear escapes your right eye. You quickly wipe it away hoping the bully, Jenna Drapers wouldn't have noticed, sadly she did.

"What the heck do YOU think your doing? Did I say you could talk?" She says landing another blow on your shoulder. You glare at her thinking I really wish I had a Death Note (*Wonk ;) ) right now. You ignore her and start messing with your phone. She groans and grabs your phone and throws it on the ground. Everything to slow down as you watch it shader into a million little pieces. (Of course you have other ways of going on PesterChum, a reasonable person never carries less the 5 computers at a time, of course) Oh it is on!

Strife! You quickly take out your trust fists and punch that scrub right in the face! She stares at you with blank eyes for a minute then winks at you and the little crap starts crying. LOUD. People begin staring and about 15 minutes later, you end up in your principles office. Luckily your principle is only Andrew Hussie, so you aren't that screwed. While he lectures you, you stare off into the distance, and swear you see the troll horn of someone. You shake your head thinking it was just your imagination.

"Now get to class!"

You don't think you have any punishment, but you abscond the office as soon as humanly possible. As you make your way to class you hear whispers about you, though you don't really care. You're used to it know anyways.

As you make it to 1st hour, which is Math for you, you realize that there are two groups residing in the seats. The first is most of the other kids at school. The second is something different. They have grey skin, yellow eyes, horns, sharp teeth. You don't even have to say it, because a girl behind you screams it.


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