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((Sorry it took me a while, for the like one person who read this :p also now instead of me writing down ((Y/N)) all the time I will put down ___))

Your mouth drops wide open. There are aliens at school! ALIENS. You try to act normal like it doesn't really matter. It's probably some prank! Your thoughts swirl around your head rapidly, buy you ignore all of them and act like today is a usual, horrible Monday, but sadly enough stuck sitting in front of one of them. She has short black hair and is wearing a hat with a little kitten face on it. It has horns sticking out. You try to imagine that she is not there but can't help to squeal a little inside when she yawns. Like a kitten!

You watch the clock intensely counting down the minutes. Three more! You think happily, until your teacher calls on you.
"___" They say. "Can you answer the question?
You can here a gasp from behind you. The kitten girl is squealing.
"___!!!!!" She says suddenly tackle pouncing you from behind. A blush forms on your face as everyone stares at you like you are some kind of freak. You can hear a few mumbles from the aliens and some from 4 kids next to you. You realize that they are new also.

Dave's P.O.V

___? ___ is here? Me and her have been friends for ages! I can't believe she is actually only 2 feet away from me! And she's so hot too...
Crap, I let my mouth drop...

Trolls' P.O.V


Normal P.O.V

You swear the teacher is stating daggers through your skull right now. You stare at kitten for a second with a :? look planted on your face.
"It's me! Nepeta!"
"Oh yeah, I nefur gave you my name! I'm AC!"
Your mouth drops open. Maybe your life isn't as bad as you thought! Your only friends are at school! They always told you they were trolls but you never believed them before this!
"CG ,GC ,CC, and efuryone else is here too!" She says. How can she say all this without caring that everyone is watching?

"Miss Leijon please seat down!" The teacher says with a tone of annoyance in her voice. Nepeta ignores the teacher and continues talking.
"I was going too tell you about this furlier in the year, but I furrgot and decided 'why not make it a furrprise?'." Nepeta throws up her hands. 'Paws' as she would purrobley call them. "FURRPRISE!"

The bell rings just in time and saves you from any more embaressment. You love the trolls and all but seriously? In front of everyone too? You suspose you could cut them some slack, I mean they aren't human but still.
"Mrs. ((L/N)) please see me after everyone leaves."
You sigh and wait till the last body leaves until you approach your teacher akwardly.
"Yes ((T/N))?"
"Those.... Trolls.... Please watch oer them for the school. They apparently only like you and the other humans they walked in with.just make sure they don't get into to much trouble, okay?"
"Yes, ((T/N))..."
As you walk out, all 16 ((12 trolls plus 4 humans)) are waiting fot you. You sigh dramaticly and start your first day of baby sitting your friends.

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