Untitled(gah ran out of title ideas just then...-_-)

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I continued not to speak for some time during primary school. I learn't if you were different you would be teased. For me I got stones, sticks and foreigh objects thrown at me. The leader of all this was the boy named, Tom. I had a feeling  I did anything to protect my violin. The only valuable possesion to me. I didn't need jewellery or clothes to make me happy. It was my violin. My violin was my comfort. Sure I got bruises,but it was worth it, but all things would unfold. Soon teachers started noticing my injuries, and tried to make me tell them who did it. All I simply wrote was,'there's no need I'm ok.' They weren't convinced. The news reached the orphanage. I was pulled out of elementry school and enrolled into a school for disabled. It was a joyful time for me. Yet I knew all good things had to end sometime.

Graduation arrived abd along with that came suprises. Orginally I was going to highschool alone. Then a voice called out, as I was about to leave the building. "Kyra! Wait!"he yelled pulling my hand,"I got some news!" I paused and turned around asking,"what Kade?" You see Kade was best friend. One of the closest people in my group. He had what you would call ADHD. Though he didn't care. We always stuck together. No matter the circumstances. "I'm going to same bloody school as you!"he shouted smiling and hugged me. I smiled warmly at him hugging him back. I guess I had at least one friend with me.


The first day at school~~~

I had gotten all my things needed for school. It was just like a repeat of elementry school. Yet this time I had someone with me. I saw Kade up ahead. Smirking at my new found idea, I sprinted behind him and tackled him. He let out a scream of suprise,making me smirk wider. Kade turned around with scowl on his face,but when he saw me his face soften. "hey Kyra what class have ya got?"he asked. I write down on a piece of paper:Homeroom with Mrs Schinkel. He exclaimed,"I do too! yay!" I chuckled silently to myself as he dragged me with him.

Once we entered the classroom, silence greeted us. All eyes were on us. Kade ignore the stares and tugged me towards to empty seats. I looked around the room, when a pair of familiar icy blue eyes caught mine. Where had I seen them before?


hehehe play the song on the side hehehehehehe


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2012 ⏰

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