Taking Care Of Business P.1

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When I snuck back into the house I heard no one so that's good news to me. I laid on the couch my head already feeling woozy from the lack of sleep, I was able to go to sleep for the remainder of the hours of the night. When my alarm rang I convinced myself to take a quick shower before classes. The warm water hitting my muscle quickly relaxed me I didn't have time to enjoy the shower since I had to go to class. I parked my car near the south main which was close to most of my classes that day.

Today was the first day I actually felt like a normal student. Didn't have an angry gangbanger trying to kill me or owe anybody criminals any money. "Great to see you back in business Ms. Marks" Garcia yelled. Walking to my next class I quickly texted Beth to see how she was. For the rest of the time, I just continued taking notes and next class we were actually having labs I couldn't be late.

As I walked back to my car I read Beth's text. "We need to talk" Goddamnit I have to follow this girl everywhere.

"You know they say it's dangerous to text and walk" There leaning on the hood of my car was Rio he was wearing his hoodie funny like half on and half off. It took me a second to realize that he probably wasn't there to kill me. "I came to give you this" He handed me something small. When I actually looked it was a burner phone at least that's what I think.

"A burner?" He nodded looking up to scan the area before looking back at me.

"It has only one number saved so don't call no one else and we'll be texting you when you need to go to a certain location" I felt like I was being taught something new "This is your last chance Lil Red to back out"

"No I'm good" I put the phone in my pocket. "Hey my sister can't know about this little side business"

"That's none of my business anyway" He checked one of his phones before leaving the garage as I got in my car.

When I parked in front of the house the girls were already sitting there a stack of cash lying in the middle of the kitchen counter. "I leave for less than a day"

"Were getting rid of this money anyways" she told me shaking her head.

"No, we're not" Annie opposed.

"The FBI is breathing down my neck"

"He just talked to you about suspicious things in the neighborhood" Rio came behind me his warmth surprising me. I must've beaten him to here and he smiled knowing that too.

He looked at the cash on the table before staring at Beth "Yeah, I'm not sure I see the problem"

"You and me both, brother" Annie mumbled. Rio was about to leave when Beth stopped him.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait for a second, don't you want to take your product?"

Rio was getting annoyed by the way his eyebrow twitches but he still kept his cool demeanor. "This ain't the Girl Scouts." He chuckled. "You can't give the cookies back."

"Aren't you worried about the FBI?"I asked him for a man who has the FBI looking for him he has kept his cool demeanor.

"Nah" He shrugged me off.

"See?" she added.

"There's a distribution system," He told Beth. "You've been distributed to"

"What does that mean?" Beth shook her head confused.

"It means we're on the hook now," I told her when the realization hit that one wrong slip and I could lose my deal with Rio

"It's like, 100 grand" I looked at the stack of cash. Wow, it seems so small when put together.

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