Chapter 1 - Kieran's POV

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Photo of Kieran at the side!

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5 years old 

“Alright, Kieran the cookies have cooled down enough, you can take them over to that new family that just moved in next door.” My mom calls from the kitchen while I’m in the living room watching cartoons.

“Okay mom!” I say running to the kitchen. “Can I have a cookie?” I ask once I smell the mouth-watering chocolate chip cookies.

“When you get back from delivering these.” She says handing me the plate, piled high with the perfectly warm and melty cookies.

“Alright mom…” I sigh dramatically turning away, running down the stairs and out the door.

I cut across the driveway and through the bush trees ending up on the neighbor's driveway. I stare down at the cookies while walking towards the door. Until I hear sniffles and whimpering which is when I look up and see a little girl with wavy blond hair and tear filled emerald green eyes. I drop the plate and and run over to her.

“No! Get away! Please, go away! Get away from me!” her voice sounding like the sweetest honey flowing freely, beautiful and melodious even while she's yelling at me.

“It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” I say reaching for her arm, which has a cut with a bruise forming around it, but she flinches away. I reach for her arm again but this time she let’s me take it and I place a kiss on the cut, just like mommy does for me whenever I get hurt.

“I’ll be right back.” I say giving her a small smile before running back to my house. After running into the kitchen looking in the drawer where my mom keeps the first-aid stuff.

“Here you are, Sweetie.” Mom says handing me the Hello Kitty band-aid box she uses for Hanny.

I dash back to the girl and sit down beside her. I wipe the bit of sweat off my forehead from all of my running back and forth. I rip open a band-aid and place it gently over the cut so I don’t hurt her.

“You alright?” I ask worriedly.

“Yea, I am now. Thank you… ummm…” She trails off.

“Kieran, my name is Kieran Collins. What’s yours?” I ask.

“Lily Price.” I smile at her beautiful name and she actually smiles back this time.

“Well I was supposed to be bringing you some chocolate chip cookies but when I saw you crying,” I say wiping away the tears still staining her cheeks. “I kinda dropped them. If your mommy says it’s okay do you want to come over and get some of the cookies we have at home?” I ask and she nods her head quickly.

“I don’t have a mommy but I’ll go ask my dad.” She says before quickly running into her house. I lean back on the steps of the deck until she gets back around five minutes later. “He said yes!” She says excited.

I hold out my hand and she looks at me uncertainly, her eyes turning quizzical as if judging whether to trust me or not. But then she takes my hand and I lead her back to my house where my mom gives us cookies and milk while laughing as we watch cartoons in the living room.

***End of Flashback***

“Kieran!” Cody snaps, smacking the back of my head.

“Oh, umm, sorry, I must have zoned out.” I mutter rubbing the back of my head.

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