Chapter 1?

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🍃 Just a quick note, this is my first time writing a fic and I'm all up for constructive criticism ~ Also I do write in third person and I will use the emoji '💫' to signal that it will change to a different person/character 🍃



Bakugou was awoken by the harsh, irritating ring of his alarm clock. He made a sloppy attempt at shutting it off but to no avail. " ..'S too fuckin' early" he mumbled in a low raspy voice. "GET OFF YOUR ASS BLASTY" A voice rang from another room in the apartment. He trudged his way into the small lounge all the while sparing an insult for every piece of furniture that made contact with him. "What the fuck Jirou it's a fucking Saturday" Jirou was his purple headed room mate that looked like she was still stuck in her emo phase (not that it was a bad thing, it worked for her). Other than the fact that she looked like she walked straight out of an 80's grunge film, she was chill. She was also his personal assistant within his 'DJ' career, to which Bakugou was utterly grateful for, although he'd never admit it out aloud. Bakugou Katsuki, is a 17 year old Senior with a very unique attitude towards 99% of  things.
Ground Zero (his mysterious and 'outgoing' other half), is a masked and hooded popular DJ and performer that dominates the stage. Ground Zero was treated like a musical prodigy. Not that it was a bad thing, but it starts to get frustrating when people wanna start being like you, and knowing what you know without putting in all the fucking work and effort you did to get to where you are now. It was as if he was blessed with the very touch of music by Apollo himself. Or so he'd been told by various people on multiple occasions.
Before his brain had time to register what he was doing, he was quickly swatting away at fingers clicking directly in front of his face. "Earth to Bakugou?" Jirou questioned with a mild look of irritation on her face. "I said we have to start planning for YOUR next staging." " 'S fuck'n whatever". He retorted nonchalantly as she raised an eyebrow and clicked her tongue disapprovingly. After a few minutes to what felt like hours, he finally hauled his ass back into his bedroom to change out of his tacky sweats and plain black singlet. Man, he felt like shit today. After throwing on pretty much anything that made contact with his hands, and what he thought looked moderately good, he and Jirou left for coffee without so much as a word. No, he doesn't care what people think about him for the most part. But when it came to attire? Bakugou was a man of taste.
(Lets expand on my baby Jirou~)
Jirou Kyouka is his roommate and personal assistant, she generally had a quiet n chill demeanour unless his manager, well, scraggly looking demon to be honest, got to her, which seemed to be the case today. As if on cue, Bakugou's phone vibrated in his pocket and indicated that said person was calling him, much to his distaste. A grumble was prompted from him as he proceeded to answer. "I woke up at the asscrack of fuckin' dawn you asshat, what d'you want?" he half-heartedly spat at the man, his insult was promptly ignored, and instead was rewarded with a "Well good morning to you too, Bakugou." From the man who was currently on the other end of the call. After the greeting he ignored the ash blonde and directed his attention to Jirou "So, after the brat has his daily dose of unsweetened poison, there is a meeting with the production team the 2 of you are expected to attend by 10:30 at the latest. If you could relay this to the snappy Pomeranian that would be much appreciated." The nickname evoked, to what seemed to be, a never ending line of insults and half-hearted threats, directed towards the man. Mind you, he had a very colourful vocabulary. As he drew close to releasing almost all of his pent up frustration (from having woken up so damn early) through the continuous slur of cuss/swear words, the 2 erupted into a fit of chortles in 'perfect' unison. They're rubbing off on each other, the bastards. He thought as he rolled his eyes and left to order his so called 'poison'. "Tch.." he mumbled "provoking assholes." He trudged his way towards the counter rather leisurely, as he was in no such haste to make it back to the pair of idiots. As he made his way to the front, he mumbled his order as he lazily tugged his wallet out of the pocket of his red windbreaker, and paid for a large Iced Americano and a regular Doppio. After a short wait he plodded back to what what was sure to be his 'eventual, inevitable death', or what normal people would call them, colleagues. After pretty much falling on his ass as soon as he was just hovering over the booth they had decided to sit in, he slid the Americano swiftly across the table as Jirou snatched it with a grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thanks Blasty" she retorted. A comfortable yet seemingly unnoticed silence fell between the 2 before it was broken by Jirou reminding him of the meeting they had to attend. "If we get there early I'll let you mess around with the instruments for a bit." She said nonchalantly around a mouth full of her beverage and half-lidded eyes glued to her phone screen as if she were already bored. With nothing but a "Fuck yeah" coming from the blonde, they were already out the door and crossing the street to the large establishment, that was Bakugou's record label. Of course they didn't get in easily since there was a literal mob of fan-girls/boys that were noticeably not there for Katsuki, considering they didn't even know what the fuck he looked like. But even if they did, he would be concerned as fuck for not just them, but himself. But alas, they seemed to be crowded around a black SUV that had just pulled into the parking lot of the label. Without so much as a second thought to the scene, they slipped in through the large double doors occupying the front of the building. Probably some fuckin' fake 'producer' or 'idol' or whatever here to scab off the damn label again. He thought with a disgruntled huff. The label Bakugou was currently under was one of the 'big 2'. He had a contract with UA Studios, and the labels respected long-term 'rival' was Shiketsu Entertainment. "UA in the East, Shiketsu in the West." Is what people like to say. The mere thought of Shiketsu itself evoked a "Tch.." to roll past his lips out of habit. UA didn't exactly have the most commendable past when it came to trustworthy employees, having experienced blackmail, fraud, theft of valuable production equipment etc. within the span of a couple years. All of which happened before Bakugou was taken under the entertainment company, but Bakugou didn't live under a fucking rock so he knew a damn lot when it came to the background of the company. Bakugou seemed to be on autopilot as he mindlessly glided his way through the many corridors of the establishment, just a few feet or so in front of his purple headed companion.

🍃 HHHHhhh I HOPE IT WAS OK ?? This was really fun to write even if it is just a really messy explanation? of sorts, and if you couldn't tell already I love my babies sm so I HAD to make them best friends, AND PLEASE LEAVE SOME FEEDBACK IF ANYONE IS READING THIS! Btw was this long enough? 🍃

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