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🍃 I'M REALLY SORRY IF THIS TOOK TOO LONG I MYSELF AM DISAPPOINTED TOO, I haven't had much inspiration lately. Exams have just finished for me so I'm beat but holidays are coming up!! Expect a lot in the coming week! I love you, take care of yourselves 💞 🍃



Ting. Kirishima's phone not so subtly alerted him that yeah, unlike your disappointment of an author, he actually had a life. Not that the author doesn't love their life, but that's beside the point.

A tanned hand made a sluggish grab at the phone, which resulted in said device being pushed off the edge of Kirishima's bedside table onto the floor. After rolling back and forth, back and forth groaning he slipped his way off the side of his bed onto his stomach, on the floor. No like literally, he fucking snaked his way off the bed. He rolled over onto his back and switched the phone on. What he did not see coming, was the unholy light his phone emitted right into his face. It wasn't that dark at.. whatever time it is right now but he didn't have enough time to adjust. There was a small notification at the top of his lock screen.

Yaomomo: Kiri, wake up
Yaomomo: Bakugou, Jirou and I are waiting for you
Yaomomo: Please hurry

Holy fucking shit did that wake him up. He scrambled to his feet after also noticing the time. He was supposed to meet with them almost half an hour ago! He hastily threw on a simple red singlet (that he just so happened to find laying around) and a pair of denim shorts that stopped just above his knees. He shoved anything important into the pockets of his shorts and pretty much threw himself down the stairs. He made a dive to snatch his checkered vans causing him to smack face first into the door. Thank god they were only slip-ons.

Not a second later he was sprinting his way down the street earning a few distressed glances from people passing by. He skidded to a halt after a certain tuft of hair caught his attention.



"Tch, betcha that red idiot forgot" Bakugou grumbled. Tapping his heel in irritation.

Yaomomo smiles reassuringly "I'm sure he'll be here-" a familiar poof of red flew past the window at which they were seated inside the rather large coffee shop. "-soon." She finished her sentence with a soft sigh.

It didn't take long for said mop of red to find his way to the booth the other 3 were waiting at. "I'm really really really really sorry I'm late.." he scratched the back of his neck as he sat across from Bakugou.

"What-the-fuck-ever, shitty hair" he paused, looking the boy up and down "you look shittier than usual, how aren't you freezing your bucking balls off?" He grunted.

Bakugou would never admit it out loud, but Kirishima was good looking. From what the singlet subtly gave away, he seemed pretty fucking ripped. Well sculpted shoulders and biceps. Kirishima looked like he was more on the lean side than overly muscular but he was pretty fucking jacked. What didn't make sense though, was that he had a fucking baby face. Soft squishy cheeks, big doe eyes, silky red hair that shaped his face. Now that Bakugou got a closer look, not only was he really fuckin tanned he also had freckles dusted lightly over his cheekbones and shoulders.

Over his dead fucking body would any of these words escape his mouth; Kirishima was fucking pretty. Hopefully this was just a small crush, a bit of attraction. I mean it's fucking Kirishima Eijirou, you'd be mad not to be head over heels for this sweetheart.

He can't let it get too serious. Not again. He's too good for him.

You'll hurt him.

🍃 This is probably pretty disappointing but things will start to get better, it's gonna get angsty, be warned.

If you do not want to be spoiled on some upcoming updates do NOT read any further.

I was thinking of bringing in an oc that could be Baku's alcoholic, problematic uncle from his past. All of this is going to link back to the song IDFC - Black Bear
"You've been out all night, idk where you've been you're slurrin in your words, not makin any sense" and so on and so forth will relate to certain memories Baku boi had experienced. And then ofc other things will relate to a certain someone. I'll leave the rest to your imagination. ⚠️If you have any oc name ideas you can think of for his uncle, comment!⚠️

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