Eddie's birthday / The match

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It was 3:30 in the morning when I got home from the long walk, I had to clear my head.

When I got in , I found Freddie on the sofa asleep , so I said to myself " 

E- The poor thing must have waited up for me".

I gentle pick him up and put him in his bed, I kiss his forehead and said 

E- "Night Freddie".

It was half 11 am in the morning and I heard banging in the kitchen so I went to check it out but I couldn't see anything so I said 

E-"Freddie where are you , I can't see you " .

Then all of a sudden the light got flipped on and out jumps Freddie and shouted 

F- "SURPRISE"!!!!!!!

E-  You remembered my birthday, thanks buddy ".

F-  "Your welcome".

It was 5 minutes later when Eddie got a text reminder from work saying

WWE reminder night debut text - for match on Saturday 13 April - start time is 19:15 please make sure you have you have your ring kit and music to go plus your are the main event , please report to the reception area - thank you

E- Yesss! " 

F- "What happened bro?" 

"E-  Just got a text from work saying that I'm the main event

 F- " Well done bro"

It was 17:15 on a Saturday evening and Eddie was getting ready for work, Eddie 's ring kit is an red top and red black shorts with a black bandanna around his head.

It was 17:15 on a Saturday evening and Eddie was getting ready for work, Eddie 's ring kit is an red top and red black shorts with a black bandanna around his head

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F-"Will Venom be helping you out tonight 

E- Maybe 

that when venom spoke up

V- Of course I will be helping  you what are partners are for.

                  -----Time skip------

Stephanie was in ring telling the fans about a new wrestler that just arrived before she could continue to talk about him, his theme song started playing and out pop Eddie in his ring kit and was ready to fight anyone Stephanie has lined up for him, as he walked down the ramp and took a mic from one of the crew members and stepped inside the ring with Steph

Steph: Hi Eddie ,thanks for joining me

Eddie: It's a pleasure just to be here , oh and Steph I've brought a little friend with me . Would you like to meet him?

Before steph said a word Eddie transforms into venom

Steph: Wow

Venom: Wow indeed

------------- Time skips ---------------

Eddie was getting ready for his match against John cena when his phone started ringing and saw it was Freddie

E: Hey bro how's you

F: I'm good how's you

E: I'm good too

F: I have brought an extra someone who is dyeing to meet up with you

E: Who is it Fred ,

F: You will have to wait and see

E: Ok u can bring them with you to my locker roo.........

Before Eddie could finish his sentence a female voice came on to the speaker and said ,

Eddie to gorilla please , that Eddie to gorilla please , thank you

As I waited to be called out I heard johns theme song then I realized the song was so good I started singing along .

As I walked  out I saw  15 million people all in one place. I slid under the ropes and came face to face with john 

The ref said that he was a  clean fight and when the bell rang 

---------Time skip---------

After a good  match against John  I went to my locker room to have a shower when I got there  the door was wide open I step inside to find my bro and best friend sleeping on the sofa .........


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