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(( sorry if this is a little bit on the short side.... It is only the prologue. Thanks for reading!))


A young man. Maybe around the age of seventeen or eighteen, was feeding his team. 

"Here you guys go!" The human male cheerfully said as he pet his Pokemon. He stood up and carefully made his way to the bathroom. He stared into the mirror and brushed his messy morning hair back into place. He stares at the mirror. "Honestly, this seems like a moment in a movie where somebody describes their life, huh?" He half joked to himself. "Hello there, you may not know me, but the name's Kody. I'm an average guy living an average life. I live with my best friends.... Eevee, Fenekinn, Rockruff, Pikachu, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott" He sighs. "Now. That might not make complete sense. But.... I inherited my late parents' pokemon.... Hence why I have three starters. The Fenekinn was my mother's.... Oshawott was my father's.... But Cyndaquil... He's my starter. Raised him since I got him back at him in Johto region." He suddenly has an epiphany. "Oh, that reminds me. I'm traveling the world. From region to region. I currently reside in Orre, in Phenac city." He yawns and puts on his jacket. 

In the other room, his team is communicating with each other. As they have detected an ominous aura.

*      *      *

Later that evening, Kody had taken his team out for a walk in the park. He stops once he notices that there has been an intensity spike of wind. As suddenly yellow-orange tinted beams of twisting and twirling light seem to constrict him, before he and the latter disappear entirely. Leaving his team, alone. As they panic and return back to their safe place at home, before attempting to come up with a plan.

*      *      *

His vision blurry, he is on the ground, it seems to be midday. He can barely sit up. As he hears a faint voice, and barely sees a silhouette.

"Hey.... Hey, you're awake!" the mysterious person said, voice full of concern. "Are you alright?"

The Cliche Adventures of Kody the PoochyenaWhere stories live. Discover now