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Lisa's pov

I woke up and I see jennie beside me hugging me thank god its just a dream or else im gonna die I get my phone and look at the time and its just 6:15 I slowly remove jennie's hand but she tighten her hug so just woke her up

"Baby its already 6:15 woke up you need to take a bath and eat"i said while tapping her shoilder

"Its too early"she said not openning her eyes

"Woke up and take a bath"i said continueing to tap her shoulder

"5mins"she said so I just sigh giving her the sign that im defeated so I just grab my phone and call jungkook

"Can you tell our gang and hanbin's gang that me have a meeting"i said and I know that jennie is hearing it

"What meeting?"he ask

"Something important"i said

"Can you tell me now master, cause you know my parents we have a hangout later"he said

"My girlfriend is right beside me she can hear it"i said and I suddenly recieve a smack from from jennie so I ended the call

"What was that for?"while rubbing my head and pouting

"I told you manoban if that meeting is about girls,im not gonna hesitate to break up with you"she said I hug her right away

"Plss dont, dont worry its all about the boy that punch hanbin's face were just gonna you know beat that boy ass"i said and I recieve a smack again from my one and only jennie,like is her habbit to smack my head?

"I thought your gonna change your attitude for me"she said and rub her eyes 'shes so cute'

"I mean there gonna im not invlove"i said and kiss her forehead

"Go up and take a bath"i said and she went to the bathroom

After 20 mins

She go out and my jaw dropped cause she is just wearing a bathrobe like is she seducing me

"Babe can I borrow your shirt and pants I dont have clothes here and undergarments and bra too"she said

"I have undergarments and bra at my closet brand new and just pick a shirt and pants, but baby dont wear shorts and croptop"i said and she just smile and nod

"why are you so protective"she ask me 'is it not obviouse that if they see you wearing shorts and croptop there gonna look at you like your a food'

"I dont like boys are looking at you like a food"i said and proceed to the bathroom

After 30 mins

Me and jennie is now all set we are now at my car we decided just to eat at our favorite café so I start the car and drive after how many munites we reach our destination and enter the café after how many munites we finish to eat and go to the school


jennie is now at the principal office dling her work while us at the classroom doing some shit Im just watching them to do shits and here we go again fighting in class

"Bitch your hurting my girlfriend"mino said

"Not my fault"seungri said

"Bitch"mino said and punch the other guy and they fight and im just here watching them doing nothing cause you know dont need to do nothing im lalisa manoban im the owner of this school and seungri grab the chair and about to throw it to mino but ofcourse I stop them

"Bitches if you dont stop im the one who's gonna punch your face's"i said and they immediately stop from fighting

"Do you want me to kick your face"i said shouting at then and the rest keep there mout shut

They just shook there head "continue your own business"i said and sit


I go to our usual spot my friends is behind me and we enter the lunch I saw jennie again napping so I sit beside her and kiss the top of her head

"can you order me some food"she said

"What kind of food?"I ask

"Kimchi fried rice and ice tea"she said I stand up and order some food I go back and give jennie her food and she eat our friends is talking nonsense

"Master are you gonna join us to beat that boy ass?"jungkook ask me

"Yeah lisa are you gonna join"hanbin ask me

"No,someone will smack me"i said and look at jennie

"Babe are you don me at your work"i ask jennie

"Yeah,why are yo planning to skip your class again"she said and give me a glare

"Under"i hear jisoo unnie said I throw a piece of chicken to her

"Stop wasting food"jisoo said and throw the chicken I throw to her

Me and jennie is now at the gym im not practicing cause I just dont want and I just want to rest my head to jennie's shoulder

"Babe wanna go on a date"i ask her

"When"she said

"Tomorrow night"i said she just nod and my coach call me

"Lisa practice now"our coach said

"Neh"i shout back and get the ball

After an hour im really sweaty but im still hot

"Babe lets go"jennie said and grab my hand

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