Setting and Information

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Country: United States
State: Michigan
Time: 2019

Wolf Rarity(color):
This doesn't count like white-brown red-brown things like that the color that shows up most in a wolf like that is the color it's deemed. This also doesn't apply to the rarity of wolves in Michigan or even the U.S. this is just for the sake of the story.

Black: Common
Brown: Common
Grey: Uncommon
Blonde: Uncommon
Red: Rare
White: Rare

Wolf Ranking(highest to least):

Alpha: Leads pack can be male or female but normally male. Trait with almost all alphas is having a tone of voice that effects all wolves, no matter what pack other than other alphas.

Luna: The mate that leads the pack at
the alpha's side( typically female), the job varies for each Luna and each pack. From something as helping take care of the young ones and the elder ones, to doing paper work and taking on some of the alpha's duites.

Beta: the one or ones that are in second command of the pack, if something happens to the alpha and luna they are to take command and take care of any kids the alpha or luna had unless told otherwise by the alpha couple.

Gamma: Third in command, takes beta position if beta needs to step up to alpha position.

Other information:

Moon goddess: The figure that made werewolves what they are, she pairs off wolves and is their God and religion in a way. She does not usually interfere with werewolf life so if she does it's considered a terrible shame or a blessing, depending on what happened, such as a punishment or reward. Elemental wolves and seen different than regular alphas and wolves since they possess a power over a element.

Other shifters: There are other "were" animals there as well, such as foxes, bears, big cats, birds, and ect. Depending on the area, they are not nearly as big in most areas, making the wolf shifters the most common.

Shifters become aware of their mates at 18 but some don't meet them until later in life.

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