Chapter 1

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-5 years later-
  Ocean got up and yawned as she stretched. She got up and went to get dressed. Putting on her normal outfit; a grey long sleeved button up top and blue jeans, with tan military boots. After brushing her mid-back length platinum blonde hair she pulled it into a loose ponytail. The 23 year old she-alpha looked in the mirror and and tried to find the person she'd been at 18, she once again, couldn't find the strong-willed, headstrong, never back down from a fight, elemental white wolf she'd been, she just saw a kind, motherly, want to lay low and avoid a fight and attention, a shell of what she used to be. Her once bright, pale ocean blue-grey eyes, filled with emotion, now almost numb from the loss of her family and pack, especially today of all days, the 5-year anniversary of the day. Most of the Silver Dagger Pack didn't know who she and Skylar were so they just knew them as the twins the alpha gave shelter to. Ocean went to get breakfast, Genevieve pacing in her mind, whining to get out and run. Ocean smiled softly and went out of the pack house and started to jog. She went to a beautiful secluded cove of the island and smiled. She had used her powers to cut away the rock to make the cove look as natural as possible, the trees growing to seemingly hide her away from the world. She stripped and hung her clothes on one of the limbs of a tree and closed her eyes as she felt herself shift in the crisp, dark morning. She felt her bones snap and bend into a wolf skeleton, due to her not shifting often since the rouge attack, it was still uncomfortable or painful for her to shift. Soon enough she wasn't in her own body, she was standing in all of her white wolf glory as Genevieve howled in joy of being in her natural form, aching for her and Ocean to stretch the wolf's limbs.
  On request the white wolf starting running, jumping over logs, running through the pines, and cedars and the trees that made this her home. She could smell and hear every little noise of leaves crunching and twigs snapping under her paws. She smelt the moose and avoided them, the other pack members would go hunting and bring moose and fish back. She rounded back and when she got back to the cove she shifted back and put her clothing back on, and walked back to the pack house, out of breath, but she and her wolf were at peace as the sun rose. She walked into the house as the beta in command, Nuria Ross, walked over to her, her being the only one other than the luna to know about her and Skylar's past. Beta Nuria smiled and slightly nodded to Ocean.
“Miss.Shulk. Good morning.”
“Beta Nuria. Good morning, how are you?” Ocean smiled back and returned the gesture as Beta Nuria said she was fine. Both women went their separate ways; Ocean to wake up her sister and Beta Nuria to perform her tasks as beta. Ocean got up to Skylar's room and opened the door to find her sister sprawled out on her bed on her stomach, she chuckled to herself and gently shook her sleeping form.
“Sky, Sky wake up.” Skylar's muffled groan could barely be heard, good thing for super hearing.
“Go away.” Ocean giggles and shook Skylar more.
“Sky you need to wake up. Remember, Rick is letting us go to the town on the upper peninsula.”
“We are on the upper peninsula, Ocean.”
“No, I mean the one across the water, not the Isle Royale.” Skylar's head lifted up from her pillows, her blue eyes tired.
“Annnnnd remind me why we want to go there when we could safely hole up here for the rest of our lives?”
“Don't you want to meet your mate Sky?”
“Yeah, but, why do I have to go meet them?”
“Skylar Anne-Marie!” Ocean laughed and rolled her eyes. “Get up!” There was grunt before Skylar turned around to glare at her sister. “I hate you, you know.” Ocean just smiled and shook her head. “I love you too, now get ready.”
Ocean smiled and left her sisters room and headed to the alpha Rick's office. She softly knocked and heard his voice telling her to come in. Ocean and Rick smiled and started talking, Ocean, hoping how'd she and Skylar would find their mates and Rick warning her, again, of the dangers of the mainland, childish things like stranger danger, they were childish, but important to know.

  Skylar pulled a light blue tank top on with her black jeans and black and white tennis shoes. She let her blonde hair loose and put a bit of mascara on to make her eyelashes and bright blue eyes pop. She made a slight breeze to give her lose hair a windblown look. She walked out and went out to see her two best friends, one being beta Nuria's son, Jackson Ross, and then one of the nurses in the pack hospital, Sofina Andi. Sofina had recently cut her hair from the last time Skylar's seen her, due to her straight auburn hair was cut to her jaw, causing it to naturally frame her face, her dark brown eyes lit up as she ran over to Skylar when she saw her. “Sky your up!” Jackson grinned and got up from where he'd been sitting in the pack house. Jackson ruffled Skylar's hair and chuckled as she growled at him. His green-blue eyes were always bright and cheery, his glasses complimented them, and contrasts his hard chocolate hair.
“Jack! You know I hate it when you do that!” Sofina giggles and smiled at Jackson and Skylar.
“I'm glad you two aren't mates with the way you two go at each other.” The fox shifter laughed when the two glare at her.
“Sofina I thought you were on my side!”
“Don't you have a job or a mate to get back to?” Sofina shook her head as Rick and Ocean came down the stairs. Skylar smiled at her sister's and Rick's smiling faces. Since the twins were 18 when they joined the pack, instead of them going to live with a pack member to guard them, like Rick had wanted, they got their own place and jobs and made their living. Not that it was needed, but it still helped when a pack member met their mate and went to live with them if they please. Skylar hugged Ocean and Jack wiggled his eyebrows.
“Skylar's gonna go find her sexy mate just for me to steal him from under her nose.” Ocean simply shook her head and smiled. Skylar chuckled. They said their goodbyes and headed to the boat that would take them to a small rural town on the mainland. Rick said they had a month to get back, wanting to give them time to explore and come back with a taste of the mainland culture. They boarded the boat that would take them and watched the waves roll. Céline was content watching the sky on the deck, knowing she didn't care for the water, she preferred her own element. She saw Ocean watching the waves and slightly playing with the water. Skylar smiled and shook her head. She went back to watching the sky and clouds.

  Ocean felt the boat come to a stop and released the handful of water she'd been playing with and walked off the boat with her sister at her side. First thing they did was go to the hotel Rick had booked for them, a member of their pack was the owner and he was letting them stay there for free. When the walked in they went to the desk and checked in. The woman and the desk smiled and handed them the key and told them their room. They entered the standard two person hotel bedroom, with a beige-gray colored walls, tan curtains, and two beds with white sheets. They set their stuff down and left their room with their purses, driver's licenses, credit cards, and hotel keys. Ocean smiled and looked around the pleasant town, and she and Skylar went to get some lunch. Skylar getting a hamburger and fries with a coke while Ocean smiled and ordered a salad and a tea. They talked and waited for their orders. They're drinks came and Ocean sweetened her tea with sugar.

  Skylar drank before sniffing the air and freezing cold. Ocean noticing and watching her. Skylar didn't pay any mind as she tried to get more of the smell. It was captivating. It was crisp mint and dark bitter chocolate mixed with the warm smell of a apple pie. Céline started howling and pacing, wanting to be nearer to the smell, howling mate.
“You're really liking the smell of the food in the kitchen aren't you Sky?”
“Shush Ocean, I'm not smelling the kitchen, I smell my mate.” Ocean froze before looking around. Skylar searched the faces until she saw one that made all the men in her pack, or the men she'd ever met look boyish. He looked over and Skylar had to keep Céline's excitement down.  He had dark blue eyes and dirty blonde hair as well as a tall muscular figure with slightly tanned skin. He stalked over to her and Ocean's table and Skylar darted back to her drink. She tuned all things out to hear what he was saying, he was talking to a woman, that was all she could hear.
“Lance, where are you going?”
“I'll only be a minute Sally.” Lance, that was his name. He also a not deep but not high pitched voice. Soon Skylar saw him out of the corner of her eye. He stood in front of the twins. “What's your names?” Ocean replied calmly while Skylar felt her mate's gaze burning through her. “I'm Ocean, that's my sister, Skylar. What's your name?”
“The name's Lance. Also let's get this out of the way, I need to get back to something. Skylar, I, Lance Joule, reject you as my mate.” Skylar's heart went from cloud nine to six-feet under in seconds. She felt like crying and begging Lance to give her a chance, Céline felt like she was being ripped apart cell by cell. But both Skylar and Céline were proud and stubborn so her face went stone cold and replied.
“I, Skylar Shulk, accept your rejection Lance Joule.” As much as it hurt, Skylar and Céline refused to let themselves feel the pain of wanting someone who didn't give them a chance. She watched Lance flinch in pain as he felt their mate bond being ripped apart, his walls falling to show how much it hurt, while as soon as the hurt started, Skylar's walls stood strong. Lance walked away and Ocean called a waiter to tell him to get their orders to go. When they received their boxes Skylar felt numb. When they got back to their hotel room Skylar clung to Ocean and cried her heart out as her walls crumbled. She felt Ocean's heartbeat and after half an hour of crying she calmed down and finally ate with her sister.
  After eating Ocean smiled and kissed her head. "Hey Sky, why don't we get some sleep, it's been an emotional day for you." Skylar nodded, feeling numb, enraged, heartbroken, and weak. She had barely even know who her mate was for a second, and he tossed her out of his life, most likely for another woman. They laid down in the bed and snuggled each other, like they had as little girls, until Skylar fell asleep. Ocean kissed her sister's head and thought about how could someone not want their mate, they were the other than made you whole as a person, why would you want someone else to there than your other half. She looked at her sister again and held her close, if people like Lance, has given their mates a chance or put their pride down for their mate, there wouldn't be the need for second chance mates. She then fell asleep to her sister's breathing.

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-Charlotte LaLune

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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