You Realize Your Feelings For Him

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*Tom Kaulitz*You have actually thought you knew them a few weeks after you two met but no you realized how much harder you've fallen when he brought home a slut from the club and fuck'ed her in his room which was right beside yours

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*Tom Kaulitz*You have actually thought you knew them a few weeks after you two met but no you realized how much harder you've fallen when he brought home a slut from the club and fuck'ed her in his room which was right beside yours.{You Pov}Hearing moaning and groaning from inside Tom's room i climbed off my bed{in a sports bra and pajama short-shorts}running out of my room down the hall into Bill's shutting the door breaking down into tears. Bill moved over letting me climb into his bed and ran his hands threw my hair whispering how stupid Tom was not to realize how much i loved him or that he'll realize soon enough kissing my forehead as i fell asleep against his chest{yea Bill knew how you felt about Tom he's the only one}.{Bill Pov}Hearing footsteps outside my room i sighed knowing it was Sabrina when she opened the door and walked in shutting it breaking down into tears i clenched my jaw moving over letting her climb into my bed laying against my chest i ran my hands threw her hair thinking about ways to kill Tom while whispering how stupid he was or that he'll realize soon enough into her ear kissing her forehead as she fell alseep Sabrina is like a little sister/best friend to me. I found out about her feelings for Tom a few weeks after we met when she would always stare at him dreamly not realizing i was watching the whole thing until one night i comfronted her about it and she confessed the whole thing.

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