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* Cana's Pov *

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I glance at clock and sighed. Guess I skipped school again. Jellal-nii-chan might kill me already but whatever.

Oh wait! My eyes widen as I suddenly remembered that our Balserion cousins are moving over. Shit. I immediately got out of bed but instantly got hit on my head.

"Ouch!!" I whined as I rubbed my sore head.

I then glance around and realized that I'm not at Freed's party. Huh. I guess someone was strong enough to carry me back.

I went out of my room and saw Jellal and a really familar scarlet red hair woman and they were chatting.

"Jellal-nii-chan? Erza-nee-chan?" I ask. and the two turn behind.

"Cana! You're finally awake!" says Jellal.

"It's been a while Cana" says Erza.

"It has Erza-nee-chan" I said.

"Here, drink this hangover soup" says Jellal.

"Thanks Jellal-nii-chan" I said.

"Go back to school tomorrow" says Jellal.

"Alright. How long have I been asleep?" I ask.

"Still want to ask? Your friends carried you back and you woke up to drink again and passed out again. It has been a week, you're really something Cana" says Jellal.

"Sorry Jellal-nii-chan but it's a habit. Who carried me back anyways?" I ask after apologizing.

"A guy name Elfman and he was with another woman name Evergreen" says Erza.

"Ohhh you mean Elfgreen! Those two are one of the couples at school" I said.

"Really?" I nodded.

* Lucy's Pov *

"Luce! Can we hang out?" Natsu ask the moment school ended.

"Hang out where?" I ask.

"Mmmm, how about the arcade?" Natsu ask.

"Really Natsu?" I ask and he nodded like a puppy.

"Alright them. Let us go" I said and Natsu jumped like a little boy which made me laugh. Natsu is just so cute.

Me and Natsu arrive at the arcade and we played almost every games here. Mainly because Natsu wanted 2-player games.

Now, Natsu is waiting for me by the bench in the park near home as I'm buying ice cream for the both of us.

"2 red bean ice cream please" I said.

I paid the server after he gave me our ice cream and I walk back to Natsu and handed him the ice cream which he gave off his goofy grin.

"Just look at how you eat Natsu" I said.

I took out a piece of tissue and wiped off the ice cream smudge off his mouth while Natsu was just staring at me cutely.

"Luce, I like you" Natsu suddenly says.

"I know Natsu. I like you too" I said.

"So will you date me?" he ask and I stopped my actions and stared at him.

"What are you talking about Natsu? Family date?" I ask.

"You said you like me Luce" he says.

"Of course I do. You're my cousin. How can I not like you?" I ask.

"Oh... But I like you Luce... Why can't we date normally?" Natsu ask.

I stared at Natsu. He looks like he's about to cry. Poor Natsu but he can't fall in love with a fellow family member.

"Natsu, we are family. We can't fall in love with each other. Listen to me Natsu, there will be a girl out there who will love you for who you are" I said.

But for some reason, when I said that, it felt like there was an arrow shot in my heart. However, I shrug off that feeling.


"Let's go home Natsu" I said and we headed back home.

We arrive home and Natsu didn't say anything and ran to his room. Wait, our room. If Natsu is going to be mad then how am I going to sleep?

"Is something wrong with Natsu?" I turn and saw Cana.

"Cana! You're awake!" I exclaimed and she smiled.

"What's with Natsu?" Cana ask.

"Nothing to worry about" I said but Cana gave me that stern look.

"Cana is right. Lucy, tell us. What is wrong with Natsu?" Erza suddenly came and ask.

Behind her was the rest of the family. Guess me and Natsu were the last. I sighed and began explaining everything to them. They were dumbfounded.

"Natsu actually love you? As in more than family?" Juvia ask.

"But we're family, we can't love each other" says Rogue.

"Unless Natsu-nii-sama is confuse about the different kinds of love" says Sting.

"Doesn't look that way to me though" I said.

"So now Natsu-nii-san has shut you out?" Ren ask.

"I think so" I said.

"Give Natsu some time and I will talk to him" says Jellal and I nodded.

"Anyways, Jellal and I made dinner so let's eat before anything else" says Erza and we nodded.

Night came and I was still debating whether to go inside or not. I mean, knowing Natsu's condition, I really don't know.

"Debating?" I turn around and saw Ren.

"You know Natsu's condition Ren" I said.

"I know but can't he undergo operation?" Ren ask and it clicked.

"Oh yeah! Why didn't the doctors think of that?" I ask.

"Maybe because they thought it was risky and thus didn't want to tell us?" Ren ask.

"Maybe but I will still go in. You should sleep Ren" I said.

Ren nodded and went back to his room while I entered me and Natsu's room. Natsu was sleeping already.

I chuckled while glancing at his sleeping face. I knelt down beside Natsu's bed and ruffled his soft, pink spiky hair.

I was about to go to my bed when Natsu suddenly pulled me towards him. My eyes widen in shock when Natsu's lips was on mine.

I broke away and backed away from Natsu a little and Natsu sat up on his bed.

"Luce..." he called.

"N-Natsu, what was that or?" I ask softly.

"Sorry Luce" he says.

My eyes soften as I move closer to him. We stared at each other in the eyes before Natsu suddenly pinned me on his bed.

"Natsu!" I whispered-yelled.

"Luce... I really love you" he says and kissed my lips again. This... Is very wrong but I could no longer control my body...

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