Chapter 4

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Are you Gavin? Gavin Otis, it's me, Josh  Hammerson from high school, Josh said I stare at him   Seeing Josh after all this time had me almost speechless he has changed so much he was much thinner now and a little bit taller his hair is longer as well he also had ear piercing and I heard him calling my name I didn't notice was staring at him for so long I blinked and answered yes it is me I reach out to shake his hand and he did the same it has been so long how have you been? I asked well I have good been working here since I finished school away from the hectic city life enjoying the clean air and all that how about you? he asked I am actually a journalist now but taking a break  something flicked in his eyes on my answer I guess he would be on to me as this place is a center of current happenings now, I coughed so what's in the menu  to change the subject and he blinked of right you let me get a menu for you to pick from I let out a sigh of relief this was something I didn't plan on seeing him again but I was kind of happy and kind of worried I thought to my self hope this all work out in the end, Josh returned with the menu I chose I light drink and a small side for snacks.

Gavin are you doing something later? Josh asked 

actually no why? I answered

My out is in a little while and I kind of hoping to want to catch up if that's okay? i know a great place nearby

sure I have nothing to do 

great! just wait for a while okay, Josh said with a smile on his face

After a while...

hey Gavin out sorry for waiting 

it is okay the sea view is good so anyways were are going anyways I asked? 

just follow me 

so I did why we were walking we had small talks about his life here and what has happened to him in college and stuff we were having a good time actually 

then I noticed he was staring at me is there something in my face I asked?

no nothing he looked flustered and looked away anyways we are here 

i looked at it it was a club

I looked and him and he looked at me we smiled remembering a time when we made fake IDs just to get into one 

the moment we got in there were plenty of people dancing and drinking  away the night so we got a table and a waiter approached as I didn't know much about this place so I asked Josh to order for us

he smiled what are you up for tonight?? 

huh?? what do you mean

you know blackout drunk, casually drink, or courage drinking?

I never heard of courage drinking and I didn't want to be sound out of touch so I choose that one

good call Josh said and ordered drinks I never heard off   

so the waiter got our orders and left so I asked  this place is something huh  while looking at the people drinking and making out in the dance floor and in other tables

yup he said  while eating a complementary food given to us

with the looks of it you are single if you hang out in places like this

he rubbed the back of his neck yup haven't been lucky in finding the one

how about you? he asked me this place seems to be a lonely place to go to 

well I have been busy with work and all and this place seems to be a good choice and to get away from it a while and you might never know I might get lucky tonight I answered with a big smile 

he smiled back and said just be careful in there and he winked

and then our drinks arrived 

let's make a toast to old friends meeting again and to a new experience that life to offer

cheers!! we raised our glass and drink the night away.


I don't condone underage drinking :P  


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