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Nicklaus Williams

As soon as I got a call from my mother I rushed to their home. I asked my mother what happened but she wouldn't tell me on the phone which irked me a lot. But I had to stay calm right now rather than yelling on my own mother. 

The moment I entered my parents house I could hear someone cry and I started to run towards the sound and the sound was coming from Elijah's room now I was worried and opened the door with the lightening speed as soon as I opened the door I saw my mother running towards me with tear flowing down her eyes and all I could see was red. One thing you need to know is I hate seeing my mom or anyone I love cry. 

I heard my mum start talking but I couldn't make out what she was talking. Then my father came and pulled my mother to his side I asked him what happened?

"Nic before I say anything I want you to be calm and listen to what I say till the end i don't want you to interrupt me. Am I clear" He said in a serious tone which he hadn't used for a long time now.

"Dad what is it? what happened why is mum crying so hard? is everything alright!" I asked 

The next thing I did was run to my boy who was sleeping peacefully without a worry. I picked him up slowing and kissed him on his forehead. I asked my dad "why now dad? after 6 months she comes back for what?"

"She said she missed you and the baby and wants you two back" My mother said.

Now I was furious " BACK!!! NOW. She was the one who left us with a note saying she didn't want the baby nor me she left with someone else saying she wasn't get enough love anymore mom. Now she has the audacity to come back and say she wants us back in her life. FUCK NO... I will not let the bitch anywhere near me nor my son." 

My parents stood there staring me mom crying her eyes out and dad being the usual self but I know my father even though he looks calm outside he is planning to do something. 

I felt someone moving in my arms and look down to see Eli rubbing his eyes while making cute noises. Once tension filled room was now smiling looking at him and then he opened his eyes.

Eli is the exact copy of me we have the same deep blue eyes and the same smile and the same black hair.   

When he saw me holding him he started smiling and was doing weird noises

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When he saw me holding him he started smiling and was doing weird noises. We all started laughing seeing him.

Later we all went to the living room and were talking with each other when my mom said that she hired a new nanny for the Eli and I face palmed myself because I knew even this nanny will not be here for more than 2 days tops 1 week. Reason Eli here hates them we never understood why but he will make there life a living hell. The last nanny I knew was very angry and before leaving she named him Lucifer because this guy here made her pick every toy he threw and would not eat anything she would give him and would always cry non-stop. Poor Girl.

"Mom didn't we agree on "NO MORE NANNIES""

"I don't remember such a thing" She replied 

"MOM you know Eli doesn't do well with his nannies then why trouble those poor girls." 

"Nic do you think I don't know that but Nic we can't stay with him 24*7. You go to office and stay there till late nights, dad keeps going to other countries and I have charity work to do. So, now will you please enlighten me on who is going to take care of my only grandson." She asked 

I didn't say anything because she is right we dont have time each of us have something or the other to do.

"That is what I thought" my mum said.

"But I have a good feeling about this nanny" she said.

"56" both of us said together 

my mom looked at my dad and me asking "what"

"Honey this is the 56th time you saying that you have good feeling about this nanny and"

"and every time you say that this nanny is good"

"we get our hopes high and in the end she won't stay for a long time" 

"So mom please don't say anything about this nanny lets just see how long will this nanny stay." I replied.

"This time its going to be different this girl is going to tame this boy" my dad and I laughed hearing what my mother say "tame Eli. This boy here got named after a devil himself will be tamed. WOW. It is a scene to behold."

"Okay you two lets have a bet" my mom said 

"What kind of bet" my dad asked

"Mom you do realize that you never won a bet against us right" I said

"Oh well then it's time to rewrite the history" She said 

"Okay what is the bet" my dad asked in a serious tone yet amuse seeing my mum.

"I bet that this girl is going to tame Eli and is going to stay with us for a long time." She said.

"That girl is going to run away within 2 week" my dad said

" Dad you are being very generous" he just shrugged

"This girl is going to run out of the house crying in just 1 week yelling I will not come back to this house. Isn't it right Lucifer" I asked my son who is smiling from ear to ear. Looks like Eli actually likes that name.

"If I win I want Henry to buy me a new Ashton Martini car and Nic you are going to do the cleaning" She said 

"What mom Cleaning" I said 

"Take it or leave it" she replied 

"Okay my turn if I win I want Nic's latest Ferrari car and I want you to go without makeup for one week" my dad said 

My mum was shocked hearing my dad's bet but she composed herself and looked at me to say something.

"First, dad you will never get my Ferrari but instead you will have to buy me a Lamborghini the latest edition and mum you are going to talk with anyone for one full day and never talk about nannies if I win this bet." I said


Word count 1111


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