GMG participants and Reunion

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~Lucy's POV~

After the long and intense train ride dropping Natsu off, back at Fairy Tail leaving a note saying to call Cherry Blossom so Master can discuss the matters off he has been up too for the past week. As me and Sting walked back to the train station hands clenching together, I saw all of my friends plus Laxus and the Thunder Legion with sadness written all over their faces. "Guys what's wrong, you aren't looking too happy about what happened." 'Well, the guilds that we were all with all got a threating letter that if we didn't go back to Fairy Tail than our Guilds secrets will be out" replied Mira with sadness written all over face, Juvia weeping on Gray's arm as he try's to calm her down. I was just relieved that Levy and Gajeel weren't here because everyone knows better than to Blackmail Sabertooth because they would be dead before they could even do anything. "Well I'm sad to hear that, it sounds like you met some new people and had to leave them so soon. Plus it looks like you met someone familiar Erza.let me guess, it was your childhood friend Millianna!" I said. They all nodded their heads.

"But it is sad to leave the people that we have met including Jura from Lamia Scale and my new friend Sheillia who is an Air God Slayer." Wendy said with tears almost escaping her eyes. So I did what I did best that was to give her a big old bear hug while Sting was chatting with Laxus and the Thunder Legion but I told telepathically to leave out the part about me meeting his and Rogues Dragon parents Skiadrum and Weisslogia because I wanted it to be a surprise. 'Understood Lucy, but be sure to let him know soon.' I haven't told Sting about me having the same dragon slayer magic as him and rogue because I want their reunion with their father's to be special. After bidding farewell to everyone with sad expressions I told them that we will meet again eventually.

"Wait a Minute I just remembered that the GMG's are happening here in 6 months time, so that means that we will get to see each other again in that time period!" Sting announced which brought tears to eyes and I couldn't help but hug him. "Ok calm down, but the down part of it is that we will be facing off against each other in different rounds and every year the games change before the battle rounds and their is only one day during the week long tournament where 8 guilds that are participating after the elimination round which happens the day before games. So the free-day is the only day where you guys can actually talk to each other and if you do outside the games it will be considered leaking information of ways to beat the other guilds because there are guards that patrol the streets of Crocus at night on a 24-hour clock." Sting explained to the best of his ability which left us nodding heads and bidding farewell for real.


Sting's POV







RESERVES ARE GAJEEL, LEVY, OGRA OUR NEWEST MEMBER YUKINO (In my world Yukino became a new member about a month before Lucy, Gajeel, and Levy showed up).

THE PEOPLE THAT I HAVE CALLED PLEASE COME TO MY OFFICE FOR IDEAS WHERE TO TRAIN THIS YEAR!" After I announced the participants for the games they all reported to my office so we can discuss where we should train for the next 5 3/4 months because for the last 1/4 I think we should use it relax from the intense training we will be doing. "So does anyone have any ideas where we should get started?" "I have an idea where we should and I think the best and most ideal area to train is where I spent for the past 6 years. Can anyone guess apart from Levy and Gajeel. Anyone? Well guess what we are going to the Dragon realm to train because for many reasons, it's spacious, your magic can adapt in it's environment, and you will meet different creatures in the realm." We all looked at each other and nodded in agreement, and then we were off to our houses, apartments or one of our rooms in the Guildhall to pack and meet Lucy out front so we can finally get going on the training and be prepared.

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