C H A P T E R - T H R E E

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Complications in Death

"Once, long ago, Death rained terror down on the humans of Sune. The souls of many great cities were taken in an instant. The influx of souls drove Thignoi into a frenzy, Life was furious, and Destruction was intoxicated off the havoc.

Why had this happened?

Death had simply wanted to. He did as he pleased, followed his own will, and no one could stop him."

A passage found in the sacred Book of Noit'Curte. Translated by Tnemet, from Hsilgnish to Enuish.


"Get. Out." Death announced quietly as he burst into his own house, a truly opposing way of conveying his intent the intruder didn't get out of his house.

Taking a deep breath, Death tried to remain calm, for his emotions would affect the Awaiting Ones. His anger will only cause them anguish. Life will sense the disturbance in her souls and come here to question Deaths ability to do his job. And having her here in the same room as his "intruder" would only cause him more of a headache.

"Why, am I not allowed to visit my own son?" Destruction asked as he appeared in front of Death in the living room, wearing nothing but a pair of black shorts, showing off his bulging muscles. Destruction stood taller than Death so he had to raise his head to look up at his father.

Staring into his red eyes, he knew that Destruction did not truly wish to see him; he loathed his very being. Death let himself be caught in Destruction's sight the moment he made eye contact. What he saw was truly meant for eyes that weren't his own.

Destruction and the room faded away as Death was whisked into seeing the future. His father was plotting something, and his target appeared to be the humans.

The mortals of Enu rallied together, in preparation. For what, however, will only be told with time.

The time-shifted in Death's eyes, he saw the last of the Enulans making their final stand at the great city of Latipa, their capital. Blood soaked land drank in bodies one after another with a thirst that seemed unquenchable. Whatever the future held, Enu was destined for devastation.

The vision shifted again and Death saw a human sitting across from Destruction, his face obscured. A game of chess was presented before them. The human continually lost his forces over time, despite his effort. Before long he was down to his last piece, which was cornered on all sides by Destruction's forces. Check mate.

Destruction quickly broke himself from Death's magic and took a step back, but he wasn't quick enough. That last piece...the humans last piece had been him.

"You know, I always hated when you did that. When you were but a little one, barely created, you had already developed that magic of yours. To look into one's soul and find the past, the present, the future," he said with a small chuckle to hide his annoyance.

Death wouldn't let his father's poor attempt at changing the subject make him forget anything. He played the vision over and over in his head, not caring about the time that passed. Death wouldn't miss a single detail.

How did he end up on the side of a human though? And fighting Destruction? Just where did the future lead to?

Questions were racing across Death's mind, faster than he could process.

An awkward cough brought him back to reality for a brief moment. Death peered into his fathers eyes again but it was no use. Once someone brakes out of his magic he wouldn't be able to see through them for a while.

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